Gang Chat & Keys.

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Gang Chat & Keys.

Post by Bruke_Mezfin13 »

1. It would be nice if you could actually see your gang/faction color when your in a gang chat with them.
2. The /givekey command is not working, and it would be nice if it got fixed quick.

Let me know what you think! :nyd:
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Re: Gang Chat & Keys.

Post by Jaua »

the /givekey cmd would be great.
But-think about this: You're hanging around chilling and someone ask you for the key of your car and you have to log but he's asking to keep the car so you let him have it, I think when come back again werent you be charged with a destroy?

Other good idea is removing the destroys maybe. Or let the one with the key /park the vehicle something like /keyvehicle park or w/e
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Re: Gang Chat & Keys.

Post by Rachael »

I'm pretty sure the destroys don't do anything, its just for roleplay now
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Re: Gang Chat & Keys.

Post by Greta »

Rachael wrote:I'm pretty sure the destroys don't do anything, its just for roleplay now
When they start to do stuff i'd advise you to reset people with destroys to 0
all noobs
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