The Russian Mafia

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The Russian Mafia

Post by Don_Ray »

The Russian Mafia





19 march 1985 - San Fierro


The alarm.

Don Ray wakes up and looks at his alarm.
He sighs a bit but gets up anyways, he takes his clothes for today and puts them on.
Its 7:40 already when he is done.
He takes his cellhpone and calls some of his friends to wake them up.
They meet up at the field and go to the lockerrooms.
They put on some sportclothes and walk back to the field.
The Boss tells the boys to be more active because they need to be in shape soon.
They have to run 3 laps around the field, and a few push-ups
Then they go to the gym to lift some weights.
The boss looks around and sees the boys train and calls: delat'khoroshim mal'chikam rabotu. (( doing a good job boys. ))
Don Ray looks at the clock and see if it's 9:30 and gives a signal to the boss.
The boss sees it and says:ladno parni eto bylo dostatochno na segodnya. (( okay guys it's been enough for today. ))
Before I forget, come to my house at 17:50. we still have to discuss something.
The boys nod and remain silent.

By now it's already 10:45, and everyone is still in the lockerroom.
They step in Huntley, and drive to a parking lot in San Fierro near the harbor.


Boys, we are here because I need to tell you something.
Don Ray looks the boys in the eyes and leaves a tear.
Its not going to well for our boss.
Everyone looks startled.
But, I must tell you it anyway.
Probably, the Boss will shortly die.
Shortly afterwards, there is a sad atmosphere.
Probably he has not told you yet, but he has lung cancer.

Later that day, 17:40.
The boys drove to the boss, but on the way Don Ray gets a call from the boss.

Phone call:
Boss: Don *coughs* ya ne chuvstvuyu sebya khorosho
(( Don *coughs* I dont feel good. ))

Don Ray: Oh, chto sluchilos' boss?
(( Oh, whats wrong boss? ))

Boss: Nichego , mne nuzhno yekhat' v bol'nitsu , vy znaete , chto my delaem pravil'no?
(( It's all right, I need to go to the hospital, you know what we were doing right? ))

Don Ray: V znachitel'noi? stepeni da, ·eer, pochemu?
(( Pretty much yes sir, why? ))

Boss: Vy dolzhny vzyat' na sebya rukovodstvo etoi? nedele, vy ponimaete menya, Don ?
(( You must take the lead for this week, do you understand me Don? ))

Don Ray: Da, ya ponimayu, ·eer. uspokoi?tes' ya derzhu vse rabotaet.
(( Yes, I understand sir. take it easy I keep everything running. ))

Boss: *lowers his voice* Vy znaete, gde klyuch i drugie veshchi yest'?
(( *lowers his voice* you know where the key and the other stuff are? ))

Don Ray: Da, ·eer , ya znayu,
(( Yes sir, I know. ))

Boss: Khorosho, togda ya govoryu vam pozzhe *rumbling in the background*
(( Okay, then I talk you later. *rumbling in the background* ))

Don Ray: khorosho ·eer otdokhnut'.
(( okay sir take it easy. ))

Boss: *Telephone falls out of his hand and the line went dead*

29-April-1985 - San Fierro

Don ray quietly says: The boss has been killed by the "Red Dragon Crew." atleast, thats what we think.
But life goes on, and we have to move on.
We need to find a new leader and we need a new headquaters.
Everybody looks sad and they quietly agree with Don Ray.
Once done with the meeting they walk to their huntley's and take a seat.
Charles looks around and opens a window
Charles looks at Don Ray and says; I dont think this seems right don.
Don finds it okay and nods a little.
Ryota also hears something and says to charles ; i hear it too charles.
Don starts to look around and sees some planes...
Don Ray says to Charles and Ryota ; I think that we aren't save here boys.
They drive to their old headquaters for safety.

Suddenly they hear some sort of rockets coming of the planes.
The boys start to talk to eachother and came to the decision that they had to move away from here.
They took a look outside once more , but bram gets shot by something , he screams loud from the pain.
they see 2 huntley's getting shot down by the planes.
Bram yells , He yells but nobody hears him cause everybody is in panic , but don tries to stay calm,
Don Ray shouts to the boys ; Everybody take a car and drive for yourself , i take bram with me ,
we drive to los santos and search for a hideout and i will call you once i found a hideout.
Don helps bram into the car, while everybody starts to drive away in a strategic way.

When Bram & Don arrive in Los Santos Don drives straight to a friend of his , to take care of bram.
Don goes to a phonecell and takes a little book out of his bag,
He presses some numbers in and calls but the line seems to be dead.
After some numbers he called he only did get to speak with Ryota and Charles.
Don thinks back in the past about the boss and the boys that didn't make it from a organisation with atleasy 47 men they survived with only the 5 of us.
Don walks towards his friend Rico, Looks at him and says ; You have to help us you have some connections here to get some stuff right ?
I do have some spare money says Don.
Rico says ;I will help you like you helped me back in the days and smiles a little.



2 days later ( 1-May-1985 ) - Los Santos

Don calls the boys and meet-up in ten green bottles.

Few moments later in ten green bottles:

Don walks inside,
He looks around and sees the boys sitting around a table in the corner.
Don walks towards them and has Rico with him.
The boys look at Rico, Charles says; Who is that guy ?
Don looks at Charles , Charles knows what that look of Don means, that he didn't had to say something..
Don explains who Rico is, The guys shake their hands and introduce theirselfs to Rico.
Don also tells the guys that he found a new pawn in "West Vinewood Hills", and tells the guys that they are welcome in the new pawn aswell.
The guys appreciate it and tell Don that if he needs something we are there for him.
Don Ray looks at the boys and tell them that he appreciates it.
Don buys some drinks for the guys and leaves with Rico.

5-May-1985 - Los Santos

Don Ray became the new Don of The Russian Mafia,
Bram & Rico got in the car and drove towards a meeting which Don made with El Cartel.
Once they arrived in market at the discount warehouse the Headquaters of El Cartels, Don looked at Bram & Rico and said i dont really like it hear it seems to quite.
Don looks in the mirror and sees two taco's on the roof , Don gives a sign to Bram and says "take care of the car".
Bram nods and takes his kalosnikov and hides it under his jacket.
Rico looks at Bram and says could you handle it with your wound ?
Bram being the little macho like he always is, laughs and says ofcourse I can.
Don gives a desert eagle to Rico which he took out of the dashboard of the car & nods slightly.
Rico takes the desert eagle and laughs at Don , Don takes another desert eagle for himself and loads it.
Don & Rico hide the desert eagle behind their belts.
The two men look once more around them and get out of the car and move on into the discount warehouse,
Rico & Don are now standing in a empty warehouse , which don doesn't seem to like that much.
Don starts to mumble something in russian to Rico: "derzhat' glaza otkrytymi" (( Keep your eyes open )) and yells ; Hello is somebody here ?!
Then 4 taco's come in from behind, Don knew them and yelled their names Freddo - Yuri - Ricky and Carlo my friends where were you guys ?
Freddo says ; We were busy with something.
Rico & Don see a necklace laying down on the counter which is the necklace charles was wearing , few seconds later they hear some groaning and mumbling from behind the counter.

Rico & Don are getting a weird feeling about this, they hear the taco's talking about Charles,
They knew something was wrong here , Rico started to yell at the taco's,
But then one of the taco's pulled out his desert eagle cause he did not like the attitude of Rico,
Don & Rico are feeling threatened and pull out their desert eagles aswell.
Bram looks out the car window and sees that something is wrong , Rico started to fire at the taco's which started a whole fight.
Bram didn't hesitate and took out his kalosnikov and started to run inside and gave back-up to Rico & Don.
And Ofcourse the taco's shot back but too bad for them , the russian boys had them down before the taco's even knew .
Don walks with Rico towards the counter with their desert eagle still loaded ,While Bram keeps an eye on the door.

They see Charles being tied up , Don doesn't hesitate and helps Charles out.
Rico was already looking around to see if there were some documents with important information,
He spotted the documents on the table nearby , he looked at them and yelled at don to have a look,
Don looks at the documents and said ; those taco's were the once bombing you from the hydra's.
Charles started to speak and said ; thats right, I found it out, and went too far with my research - They knew something was wrong and kidnapped me.
I also found out that they had a safe with alot of money in it, i was going for the safe but i didn't had any chance ,
Charles points to the safe , it's right there he says.

The 3 russian boys breaking the safe open and take out all the money , they put it in the bags that were standing near the safe
In all the noise and pressure Don forgot where he actually came for, Those were the documents for his new pawn.
Don went out to look for the documents right away , he saw them laying down in the safe.
Don takes out the documents for his pawn and puts them in his pocket , the boys took the bags with them while they leave the warehouse.
They got in the car and drove away with squeeking tires.
The 4 boys started to laugh and call the rest of the guys to meet at Don's place.


And so the story continues....

We will try to bring some more RP into SZR.
Our member are pretty well known here and we know all the rules.
Because The Russian Mafia is known for its RP, Also we will make deals like huge drugsdeals or weapons deals.
With both civilians and families in order to get some RP back and respect from the them.
Also we will try to RP at all time, and do some little events.
Also I have led a gang before so lack of experience is out of the question here.
Hope we get our chance to prove that we are not just another Mafia/Family that effortquits in their first week

Our HQ :

Members :
- Don Ray (Rank 7)
- Rico Masseria (Rank 6)
- Charles Dickinson (Rank 6)
- Casey Noble (Rank 5)
- Young K (Rank 1)
- Kevan Glasgow (Rank 1)
- Bram Breakdown (Rank 1)
- Ryota Ichiro (Rank 0)
- Davy Mousse (Rank 0)

Rules :
1) Respect all the server rules.
2) No Alts.
3) Respect Higher ranks at all time.
4) Dont insult other players.
5) Dont start a fight solve thing with words, else go to bosses or lt's
6) Never disrespect other family members.
7) Do not start a war or you will be automaticly kicked.
8) Try to roleplay at all times, don't avoid roleplay.
9) Do not mix OOC with IC or smileys in IC.

Skins :
Last edited by Don_Ray on July 22nd, 2012, 2:05 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Post by Ryan_Smith »

Nice Story Good luck :smug:
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Maurf_ONeil »

Boss's skin's pretty russian - Good luck.
cHR0ME wrote:yea it is my fault ima stupid leprechaun bastard with a three inch dog dick. She hates me and I want to kill myself!
Some random noob wrote:Maurf lags so much its easier to kill a hacker
paranoid wrote:Maurf shouldn't be unbanned until he gets a computer from the current century.
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by daxter 789 »

Story is so cool,members are active and they are Roleplaying.Supporting this.
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Juke »

one too many male skins

no ooc "why" section
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Charles_Dickinson »

Thanks juke for your fast response , we will make a "why" section today and we will remove 1 male skin.
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Don_Ray »

Juke wrote:one too many male skins

no ooc "why" section

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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Andrey_Trip »

Why you should remake my family? You even copied my banner photo.that's aint cool.
Don Russo
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Don_Ray »

Andrey_Trip wrote:Why you should remake my family? You even copied my banner photo.that's aint cool.
I copied nothing not even a single bit, and for your information if you type "Russian Mafia" into google pictures you will get that exact picture.


And here is the file to show you that I really did make the banner.


Oh and I'm pretty sure you arent even allowed to post here.

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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Andrey_Trip »

To be honest, i dont give a shit about the banner.My question was whybyou have to remake my family and give the same name to it?
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Tony_B »

Andrey_Trip wrote:To be honest, i dont give a shit about the banner.My question was whybyou have to remake my family and give the same name to it?
Did you make the story? Just because you probably lead one doesn't mean you have the rights to tell others not to do it. These guys RP way better than your gang ever did. They could probably make it up for what you did.
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Andrey_Trip »

You probably didnt see my family RP then. Why he didnt come up with other name?original one. I dont give a fuck if he leads a Russian family but he could change the name atleast.
Don Russo
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by JasonMar »

I've rolled back into that old applications sub-board, and I've found a few applications for this gang, Brigada, so I assume it's optional.
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by Don_Ray »

Andrey_Trip wrote:You probably didnt see my family RP then. Why he didnt come up with other name?original one. I dont give a fuck if he leads a Russian family but he could change the name atleast.
Alright I removed the "Brigada", There you go we are all happy now.

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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by lukesea »

Hey i had a mafia!! so now none of you are ever allowed to have a mafia on the server!
<Jay_Vegas> im actually normal height

<somone77> I always saw BMF of having the most potential of any of the other families
<somone77> They didn't suck.
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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by Jack_Morris »

lukesea wrote:Hey i had a mafia!! so now none of you are ever allowed to have a mafia on the server!
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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by Brad_Renfro »

Supporting this, the server needs some russians to blow.
-Funny moments-

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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by Don_Ray »

More members out of San Fierro called Don Ray the last couple of days and reunite.


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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by Robbie Jay »

i fail
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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by Kambui »

Must admit I didn't read the whole store, but mad props for knowing russian! :smugdog:
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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by Greta »

Kambui wrote:Must admit I didn't read the whole store, but mad props for knowing russian! :smugdog:
If you're Kambui Allen, then dear me where have you been.
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Re: The Russian Mafia - Brigada

Post by mike_mocanu »

Tony_B wrote:
Andrey_Trip wrote:To be honest, i dont give a shit about the banner.My question was whybyou have to remake my family and give the same name to it?
Did you make the story? Just because you probably lead one doesn't mean you have the rights to tell others not to do it. These guys RP way better than your gang ever did. They could probably make it up for what you did.
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Re: The Russian Mafia

Post by Greta »

Stop posting here, this topic has almost 4 months old and you're still bumping it :f5:

I'm an ironic idiot!
all noobs