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Joined: August 28th, 2008, 12:14 am
Game Name(s): Josh_Lee - Level 13
Location: Australia


Post by Josh_Lee »

Gang Name:

Gang Description:
G'day mate, Ya wanna know who we are ay? We be the VB drinkin, Baby snatchin, crocodile huntin, Kangaroo eatin blokes from down under.
Ya can call us The Gangaroos and dis is our story. One day mi' mate Bevo got pissed at his house and he told me "Those dirty fuckin Yanks have no respect for the Aussies of the world".

Being as drunk as we were we decided to start a 'hate da' Yanks group'. Later that night we got spray cans and sprayed our idea on the streets of Punchy a little town in Western Australia. Three days later me mate Kev told me and Bevo that our shit on the streets got' out and we had support.

We decided to let people join our group, most of the blokes who turned up were smelly, fat, drunk and holdin a keg full of beer! So we decided to move to the Outback and learn the true shit that Aussies do. We went out there with 24 kegs of VB and one keg of KB. We came out with crocodile heads, kangaroo legs, huntin' knifes and a large headache for all of 'as. Den we decided that the Yanks need to learn how we Aussies do shit, we managed to get sum money from people out on da streets from sellin' our animal skin we've built up and we brought a couple tickets fo' us all.

We landed in some Poofy yank place. As soon as we got off we started shit the aussie way we found some run down hotel and started makin' the aussie mark on all Yanks dat were 'round. Bavo and I started by gettin' pissed in peoples gardens and Kev became the regular town drunk. The rest of the group would be killin local wildlife and be skinnin it. All the Yanks soon learned our shit was what good old aussies did. Eventually we started holdin street fights and bar fights for money in local bars.

Then the months passed most of us had being rulin' the bar scene by startin/ fistycuffs fight with the local coppas'. Shit got out and da other Groups started interfearin' with our shit. Those fuckin' Greasy spic guys and the wogs so a member of our group named George decided to be stealin there shit we managed to steal there guns and use them to shoot the local dogs.

One day shit got really heavy and the Greasy spics came to our hotel. They had crowbars and all crap 'wike dat but we didn't care we rushed out half off us drunk as shit we got into a massive fist fight. The fight went for 40 minutes most of us aussies were smashin them left and right and used VB cans with rocks in them as weapons. By the end of the fight most of the spics ran off. We realised shit was to heavy here and decided to move to another part of Yankeeville.

Dis is wen we came across da name The Gangaroos. So we got to the airport and flew to a place called Los Santos But upon entry the people were lookin at us like we were some muppet ridin 'round on our kangas so we introduced our self and we av' grown again so were looking for a big name in this city of Los Santos!

Ya askin' why are ya? Well we've been frew' da good and da bad and we wanna get settel'd in tis' place. It feels like home and we got sum gangs 'round dat we wouldn't mind gettin close to and makin' sum extra friends. We belive we can make some changes round' tis' place and dats what we're ganna do.

((Seeing as Vodou Kreyol was abandoned, I thought to myself why not create a gang with an Aussie type theme. I sms'd some people IG that were in VK and they were intrested, with the help of Johnny we came up with a few ideas which was the name "Gangaroos" and a bit of what we do which would be driving on the left side and stealing peoples babies.
Kofi has tought me so much about leading a gang and what there is to do as a leader and this is why I know I can be a responsible Leader and prove that I can go my own way. I have 2 and a half months holidays which I will be VERY active and do my best to do what is required to make this gang the best Roleplaying gang going around.))

Josh_Lee/Josh_Lee - Rank 7
Matt_Owen/Matt_Owen - Rank 6
Shane_Richman/.......... - Rank 6
Peter_Pan/Terrance - Rank 5
Georgy_Uncool/Greg_Tompson - Rank 5
Drake_Yougen/Drake_Yougen - Rank 4
Lily_Kid/Lily_Clone - Rank 3
Ryan_Holt/Ryan_Holt - Rank 1
Bev_Mestroni/Bev_Mestroni - Rank 1
Tristan_Smith/Tristan - Rank 1
Amanda_Tayler/Kobe - Rank 0
~list getting updated~

Gang Colors:

Desired Skins:
I have chosen a couple skins which I think match our theme.

HQ Ideas:



Map Location:


Other Shit:

Youtube Video: show

Australian Sayings:
**Obviously we're not enforcing you to know this, its just a Aussie dictionary so you know what we mean.**

ambo: Ambulance.

arvo: Afternoon.

Aussie: Australian.

bangers: Sausages. top

barbie: Bar-b-q

barney: Argument

beaut: as in “You beaut.” If something is considered good

big smoke: The city.

billabong: A waterhole.

billy: Container for boiling tea.

bloke: Man.

blowy: Blow fly

bludger: Lazy person

blue: A row, quarrel, fight, as in We had a blue.

Bluey: Nickname for a redhead. How about that?

Blue bottle: A blue jelly fish shaped like a bottle.

bonza: Excellent, attractive, really great.

bottlo: bottle shop. Liquor store.

box: A crate of 24 beers. See slab and case

bunyip: A fictitious rabbit

bush: Country, as in the bush (the country) and go bush (leave the city).

bushed: Extremely tired.

butt: Buttocks, bottom, also cigarette.

cadge: Impose on another's generosity, also borrow without intent to repay.

case: A crate of 24 beers. See slab and box

chips: Potato chips or crisps

chinwag: A chat, conversation.

chook: Chicken.

cobber: Mate, friend. .

codger: Bloke, man, especially elderly and a little odd, as in silly codger.

corker: Something striking or astonishing, or something very good of its kind.

corroboree: Aboriginal assembly or gathering of festive, sacred or warlike character.

crook: Sick, ill, as in He's crook.

Damper: Camp fire bread cooked in the bush top

digger: Australian soldier, especially one who served in World War I.

ding or Dent: A damaged section of a car, bike, surfboard, etc. There are other meanings.

dinki-di: Also dinky-di. See fair dinkum

dinkum: True blue, real, genuine.

Dirty Coathanger: nickname for the Sydney Harbour Bridge.

drongo: Slow-witted or stupid person.

dunny: An outside toilet.

durry: cigaretee

ear basher: Someone who talks too much

fair dinkum:. Really genuine. i.e. he is fair dinkum

fang it: This has a few slang meanings, but usually means either (1) to exert force so someone will lend or give you something, or (2) to appropriate what's not yours.

footy: Aussie Rules

furphy: Rumor, false story.

g'day: Fairly common daytime (sometimes even nighttime) greeting, as in G'day mate.

gee-gees: Horses, often applied to horse racing.

go: Chance or turn, as in Give me a go, or Give the bloke a fair go, matey. Also way, as This is the go.

good guts: Accurate information (which could cause someone's downfall).

goodie: Something nice, as in a bag of goodies.

greenie: An environmentalist. Sometimes used deprecatingly.

grog: Alcohol. beer, spirits.

grouse: Very good, as in grouse shiela.

gum: Eucalypt.

half your luck: this means "congratulations" or "best wishes". I think it evolved from the saying "I wish I had half your luck" or "I'd be happy if I had half your luck."

hard yacka: Hard work.

Harry Lime: Time

hassle: Give problems, complications or aggravations, as in Don't hassle me, mate.

hassles: Problems, complications, aggravations, as in I got into a lot of hassles, or Spare me the hassles.

homestead: Main residence on a sheep or cattle station (ranch or farm).

Hot chips: Cooked potato chips

Joe Blake: Rhyming slang for snake.

john: Toilet.

jumbuck: Sheep

king brown: Mulga snake.

larry: A hoe with a hole in the centre for mixing cement .

loo: Toilet.

make a good fist: to do (a task) well.

mate: Anyone's a mate, especially when you're trying to strike some kind of rapport, as in the greeting G'day mate.

middy: A middle-sized (285ml) glass, usually of beer. Also see schooner.

mug: A fool, one easily duped.

nong: Fool, idiot. top

ocker: True Australian workingman; boorish, uncouth.

ol' man: Father.

onkus: Bad, unacceptable

open slather: Free-for-all, anything goes.

Oz: Australia or Australian

pants: Trousers

relos: Relatives

roo: Kangaroo

servo: Car service station

slab: A crate of 24 beers. See box and crate

smoko: A break from work in the morning or afternoon, tea break, smoke break

snag: sausage

soccer: English football

strewth: Statement of exclamation

Stubbies: A brand of workman’s shorts

stubby: 375mL bottle of beer

swagman: Bushman or nomadic bush traveler

TAB:. Betting shop

thong: G-String

thongs: Sandles or flip-flops

too right: I agree

Top End: The Northern Territory

tucker: Food

union: Union Rugby

ute: Small truck, short for utility truck.

undies: Underwear

VB: Victoria Bitter, a great beer.

walkabout: a period of wandering, usually in reference to Aborigines. Also someone who does so.

Water hole: Pub

XXXX: (Pronounced fourex.) A Queensland beer. XXXX is the actual name on the label.

yobbo: Loutish, surly youth.

You right mate: Are you OK?

1. Don't be a retard.
2. Know how to roleplay
3. Have atleast 1-4+ Hours of Active gameplay daily.
Last edited by Josh_Lee on January 24th, 2010, 10:42 pm, edited 42 times in total.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Sonny_Corleone »

good luck with this
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Sonny_Corleone »

a good gang man! :bunchies:
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Kofi_Kingston »

Should have gone with my Aboriginal idea.
<stenchman> ☣☠④②ⓞ☠☣
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Desmond »

128 and 60 is bears i think
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Josh_Lee »

Kofi_Kingston wrote:Should have gone with my Aboriginal idea.
Didn't want to take that from you Kofi :)
Desmond wrote:128 and 60 is bears i think
Updated with new skins
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by metalxkoz »

It's original but I'm scared of it becoming another SaC. Guys just running around with Aussie accents acting a bloke. If the members keep roleplay oriented then I'll probably have no problem with them. It could turn out to be pretty funny if it's done right.

On a side note, I'd personally like to see some more serious gangs in the server, but I don't know.
Niko Koliask - DONUT SQUAD - Level 16
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Sacajawea »

metalxkoz wrote:It's original but I'm scared of it becoming another SaC. Guys just running around with Aussie accents acting a bloke. If the members keep roleplay oriented then I'll probably have no problem with them. It could turn out to be pretty funny if it's done right.

On a side note, I'd personally like to see some more serious gangs in the server, but I don't know.
This has nothing to do with sac, thats like us saying "Oh, I dunno guys, Park 903 could turn out to be like sac and horde points and dm cops"
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Juke »

metalxkoz wrote:It's original but I'm scared of it becoming another SaC. Guys just running around with Aussie accents acting a bloke. If the members keep roleplay oriented then I'll probably have no problem with them. It could turn out to be pretty funny if it's done right.

On a side note, I'd personally like to see some more serious gangs in the server, but I don't know.
SAC didn't have a coherent RP theme. They were just dudes in bathing suits.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Juke »

Good app. You can't do anything about the skins? They don't look to have anything at all in common to me.

I'd say take out 23, 135, and 170.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Josh_Lee »

Juke wrote:Good app. You can't do anything about the skins? They don't look to have anything at all in common to me.

I'd say take out 23, 135, and 170.
Thanks, I've updated the skins that would suit us more.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Smokey_ONeil »

Great idea
I like all the skins for it except 101
Van_Hell wrote:so was i will make die all the times bears want this sux.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Josh_Lee »

Smokey_ONeil wrote:Great idea
I like all the skins for it except 101
Yes, I was thinking the same thing and I'm trying to find a decent skin that's not taken.

Added a girl skin to replace skin 101.
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Chris Hansen
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Chris Hansen »

a dingo ate my baby
this post was a Serious Post, handcrafted with care for Rachael
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by cHR0ME »

lol looks funny, might be cool to hang with em, original idea though, i give ya credit. You gonna pointwar or just roleplay?
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Josh_Lee »

cHR0ME wrote:lol looks funny, might be cool to hang with em, original idea though, i give ya credit. You gonna pointwar or just roleplay?
Yeh we're going to point war aswell.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by David_Lee_Roth »

Honestly, after VK disbanded, i didnt really wanna join another gang, but i really like this idea, count me in for sure.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Jai_Mcmannus »

Its good to see we got some positive support :bunchies:
Jose Ramirez

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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Darren_cilia »

If you ever need help Josh tell me in game. I'll help you as much as I can and hope you get accepted!

Also glad to see good members as Lt's, good luck!
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Josh_Lee »

Darren_cilia wrote:If you ever need help Josh tell me in game. I'll help you as much as I can and hope you get accepted!

Also glad to see good members as Lt's, good luck!
Darren, I could use your help at any time. You we're one of my favorite members of Vodou and it would be great to get your help. Just let me know the name your going to use and ill add you to the list as an LT.
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Dale_Flavin »

Hey this seems like a cool original idea and i would seem to be rolling with the old VK guys so if you would accept me count me in
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Josh_Lee »

Dale_Flavin wrote:Hey this seems like a cool original idea and i would seem to be rolling with the old VK guys so if you would accept me count me in
Yeh definitely, what name are you using as your IG Character?
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Dale_Flavin »

Still Dale_Flavin and have never changed it lol :circlejerk:
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Gerofied »

I'd like to join your gang.

Gero_Gordimer is my in-game name...

How do i join..
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Re: Gangaroos

Post by Dale_Flavin »

you have to know him i think or at least an aquantance but if your not you have to apply or something :snoop:
Former Orange Sunshine Brotherhood Soldier
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