Custom Houses

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Custom Houses

Post by Zink »

I was thinking that we could make custom houses for the rich people. Like OnGameModeInit we can put the CreatObjects to make the houses. These should be located outside of the city. Since the city doesn't really have much space. I was thinking of the prices being something like 2 Mil for a pool. 5 Mil for a Larger Than Average house. Then we could maybe put a gate so nobody can really steal your house. It is basically adding things to the map by request. If this ever happens I will take the responsibility of making the code. I will send the code to an admin and they can add it so next server restart you can have a custom house.

What do you guys think? Personally I think it would be a great add-on that most servers don't have.
Aoi Rikuto
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Re: Custom Houses

Post by Kitty_Mason »

I really like this idea i think it could be pretty awesome. Would there be any stability issues though, or synch issues? I know i've logged on in the past to see all the ramps etc. from a stunt weekend, only to find that noone else can actually see them and just ends up driving straight through.

Especially like the idea of fencing and gating off a place, and actually having a custom building plopped somewhere. Would make the server alot more personal.
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Re: Custom Houses

Post by Zink »

No, I do not think there should be any sync issues.
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Re: Custom Houses

Post by Panzerfaust »

Hmm. If there's no issues that would be caused by this (instability, sync, etc) and as long as custom houses cost a fuckload, I think this is a good idea. It adds something for the uber-rich to spend money on, it adds to the character of the server, and someone else is even willing to do all the work. What's not to love?
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Re: Custom Houses

Post by Dom »

I like this idea alot. I believe it would add alot of characteristic to the server, being that this would be the only one that I know of with such objects.
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Re: Custom Houses

Post by Zink »

Thanks for the comments. I haven't tested the stability much but it seems stable. I actually would like to lead this. I could definitely get the code done fast and the long part is that you have to wait for a server restart. I think there is one at least every week. I mean the server crashes so they have to restart it, which equals into a server restart. I don't think they should do a Server Restart for every house maybe every 3-5 Houses.
I know this also takes some time away from admins because they have to input the script and put it all in the right places and such. It shouldn't require any coding by the admins themselves. I have also looked at how I will die if I accidently mess the code up so it gives like a hundred errors. I am going to prevent this from maybe making it a FS and testing it before hand. I will be taking orders from people. They say exactly what they want and they get it. Unless its something retarded, the retarded things will cost quite a bit though. I am worried about one thing though. There really aren't that many people that willl pay 5 mil for just a house. and 3 Mil for a pool. I think lowering the prices a little by 1 Mil to 3 Mil. I don't want it cheap enough that a level 5 can buy it. I mean they might be able to buy it if they work alot but you know through paychecks they most likely can't.

Thank you for your comments once again

Zink (Aoi_Rikuto)
Aoi Rikuto
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