Country Hill Billy's (Requsting Re Code) (New Story)

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Mike Dynex
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Country Hill Billy's (Requsting Re Code) (New Story)

Post by Mike Dynex »

I know I screwed up when I mass Recruited and gave high ranks to people like Ole. But this will not happen again give me a 2nd chance please.
Other things changed
Mr_duck will be leader.
Will use Default Ranks not the ones we had set before.

Do this and I'll have something to do other than spamming the forums with Changed quotes such as
So and So Said
"I am a Gay Fish"

The True Start
Once upon a Time in a Land Far Far away called "The city Of Los Santos" a Duck and his good buddy Akeen Anderson took fourth on a adventure to Los Santos. They began fishing to afford a small one room appartment and Duck feed and soon found them self's actually getting some where. However on a Stormy night a man appeared in front of Mr_Duck
Elroy Jones "Quack Quack Quack? I will make you man"
With this Elroy Jones sent Mr Duck way up in the air and dropped him. Mr duck Tried to fly but found his wings could not move like they used to there where arms.
Mr Duck shouts "QUAACCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!"
And with that he landed in the sea.
When Mr Duck Woke up he found he could use small words such as Hello and "Gay Fish" He then became a lawyer and helped people bail out of jail. Mr Duck did very good at this in less than 24 hours he made around 50,000 Dollars however a women who called her Self "Rachel" Grew very angry with Mr Duck. With that she Bannished Mr Duck from the city of Los Santos. Mr Duck new his life belonged in the city of Los Sanots. Well that and he had left his Duck feed in his room. So he set off with a new Name and a new Life. His name was now Mike Dynex with this he set off in the city looking for a new thing to do. He son meant some new people and they started there own gang called "Country Club" He got noticed by the Gang gods and they made him a Offical Family. Mike did not wont to anger the Gang Gods so he quickly recruited anyone who wished to join he recruited a lot of people and gave them all high ranks he told them to recruit too. However the plain back fired on Mike the Gang Gods grew angry with Mike and with a swift swipe of there hands a Mini Gun in there right hand they killed every country Club member that ever agreed to join. Country Club was no more.
Soon Mike Quacked and he was found out every one knew who he was and he ran for mayor. He got a lot of support but not enough to win the election. So Mr Duck decided to set back out to get his Country Club back up and running. Now he had learned his lesson he decided now was the rite time to start over fresh.

Country Hill Billy's :smugdog:

"Ya all come round and hear bout the shit that just came out of my ass!"

Hello I am Mike ya friendly red-neck me and a couple buddies got to getter to run the next big thing on SZR. You may be asking what is Country Hill Billy's?" Well we can get to those questions rite away so get your pickup truck and we will have us a little tail gate party. Beers on me and we can watch NASCAR all day long.

"So who exactly is this Country Hill Bill's?"

We are group of red-necks out to have a fun [[RP]] time and get to do some pretty fun things you couldn't do in most gang's. We like role playing some pretty stupid shit so if you think admits are not mature or Fag's please shoot your self because you guys piss me off. This sever is run by admins like that and we all enjoy laughing at you and at our self's when admins do shit to us. So your next question may be "Like what? What stupid shit do you do?" Well we do not Dm or act like fags but enjoy our time role playing drunks from the country. If we arnt on the farm getting in trouble with the law for stupid shit we will be working hard at our goals we have set. You may even enjoy getting to take out a enemy. When needed we do drive by's but not any kind of drive by. We all ride in pick up trucks. We go in large numbers. A merc is armed with a MP5 and rides passenger. He protects the man in the back so he has full armor. The man in the back is either armed with a shot gun or a country rifle. Upon shooting everyone must have Key Bind "Yippy I O mother Fuckers" and everyone must hit it before we shoot. This is our little catch phrase. The list of how we do things is end less and when you first join you will go threw a quick training course to learn how we do it down south. Lets just leave it at we do it Country Style.

"I see a Hill Billy running by me in a group should I be scared or run?”
The answer to this question is "No". The only thing we do is when you piss us off [Which is hard to do, Endless your acting like a fag.] we let you know. Either by a drive By or a hoe down. Other than this you should be fine. If you are a "Baller" or a "Vago" please do not get scared or trigger happy if you see us pull out guns. We do this because half of those gang members are Death Marchers and we are getting prepared just in case you decide to attempt to kill us.

"How should I be able to tell when I see a Hill Billy?"

{ID's scroll down}


Here is 2 videos that help you understand who we are and our style.
Youtube Video: show
Youtube Video: show
"So how else could I tell? Is there any other thing you guys are trying to get known for like car color?”

The answer to this question is as followed,

Links to IMG

{I have noticed that the only open slot was the LB mexican space. If this means our color must be Blue then we can deal with it.}

"Back in my day we had to walk to the store up hill in 10 feet of snow. Just to get a condom."

Here is some history from Grandpa him self I then took the book over after he died.


"I smarter than you our."
"Not uh I smarter than you because I can drink 4 beer cans and seem sobar to the cops."
"But I passed the 5th grade and you didn't"
"So school aint inportant all you learn there is a bunch of stupid numbers and letters."

"Ok boys both of you stop. Here is the ranks starting from who is the best's to the dumber"

As you may know I had mass recruited and ranked everyone. That was a mistake I will not do this again. I’ll be giving ranks with the following rules and stats system. All LT’s and me will be required to add Points to our members every day and Ranks will be given at the end of the week. We will have a Square dance at the local club and end it with giving out Members there Ranks if they earned any.

Stats System.
One and only no way to become this rank.
Rank 5
Only upon invite of a boss.
Rank 4
50 Gang Respect points
Rank 3
25 Gang Respect points
Rank 2
16 Gang Respect points
Rank 1
8 Gang Respect points
Rank 0
1 Gang Respect point.

Points can be sent by a LT the following are some basic ways to get respect points.

Reaching a higher level {Above 8}
Helping in a point war (New system read down to check it out)
Donating Mats/Money/Guns/Drugs
Doing missions created by a boss such as,
Taking out the trash and helping in our weakly Newb Hunt.
We will use the Basic Ranks.

Members can sign up for points we do one round of points a week if and Only IF all spots are filled with 2 members set as floats.

What are floats?
Floats are members we use that are not set to be any place they just fill in the Blank spots when needed or players who could not make the point.

We will only take place in (As of now) 2 points Mat A Pick Up and Mat A Drop off. This however will change if we do not have enough members to do the Point or if me and/or LT’s create a Map of the point and have places for our members to be stationed.

Member can sign up for a point on the forums they must put away the guns need for the place they are going to be stationed and in some cases drugs needed. If they meet the gun and drug requirements for that station they may sign up for it.
If all stations are filled we will do that point if not the people who signed up for that point must re Apply for the next point.

"So how do ya join that fancy gang of yo's?"

Fill out the following forum please or get with me IG.

Last Name___________ First Name _______________
Age __________ Favorite Sport ___________
Are you employed [Y/N] ____
If yes what?_________ If no are you on well fare? _______
Favorite Drink_______
Previous Crime Record.

{Fill free to add more Space if needed the more for drunk driving the better}

Do you own a house {Y/N] ___
If so what is its location?

Phone Number ______________

We will reply ASAP to your forum post.

Screen shots,
Me at HQ waving to Aunt Rose with that Fancy Camra she found.

Some of our members {Below}
Emily Clag

I have gotton multiple PMS and IG sms and phone calls about our gang. Here is some quick answers to some of your quick questions.

1. Do we plain to be official and when?

Answer: Yes we are applying rite now. We have a sponser and will be up soon so hold on to your hats.

2. Are we going to take points, do we have a strategy?

Answer: Not at first we are going to wait and
wait and train first. We do not plain to take
every point just the ones we use a lot. {B mat}

3. Level requirements for the gang?

Answer: Currently, no.
When we are coded, Yes
All members who have joined may stay but new members must be a level 2.
Once we get strong enough new members will be required to be a level 3.
Before Gang Update all members will have a one to two week notice to get there level up.
All members who do not work to get there level up will be kicked. In very few cases will we let you slide and 9/10 times its going to be because of something going on in reel life.

4. Are we looking at a faction like taxi or the old beer gang?

Answer Yes and no.
Wall we are going to put humor into each and every one of our moves like Taxi and Beer gang we do not plain to have the city feering us. We do plain to demand respect once we get on the charts.

5. Rules? And if I catch a player break them what happens?

Answer We have rules just read on down.
If you catch one of our members breaking a
Rule please report it to the forums Ill take
Care of the problem if admins don't.

6. What type of gang do you want to be?

Answer: We aim for respect but not to take
the hole sever over like bears.


1. Role Play Medium.

We are mostly Role Play so if you come here you must be a good Role Player. This does not mean you can’t do stupid shit or funny crap. We enjoy seeing our members do commands like “/me Pulls a shot gun out of his ass.” And other commands like so.

2 DM= dumbster milk shakes NOT Death Match.

The only reports about DM we should get about our members is them eating milk shakes from a dumbster not death match.

3. Ballers and Vagos.

Kill Ballers when ever needed kill them again if needed and kill them some extra times if needed.
Vagos Kill once if needed to stay alive then report to a leader or high ranking Vago.

"So what makes you so much better than the rest of us here fancy gangs like Yak's and Mag C"

We demand respect but not fear. We have a good time Role Playing country folks and enjoy our time on the sever. We use this in our ads and when we are trying to recruit new members. "We are the only Country gang on SZR." Wall we are not better than any other gang we are different this does not make us better than them nor them better than us. Simply put we are difrent and the same. Just like how SZR and the orginal godfather sever are difrent and the same.

"So who all is in this fancy pantsy gang of yo's?"

A lot of our members here are new to the sever and some are not. We have a lot of High level players that say they would join when we get codded. There reason for not joining now was understandable cause it seems every other day some random newb is posting a thing about there gang thats going to take over the sever and be the bad ass gang bangers of LS. This is not our case but we understand why thease members do not wish to join tell we are coded. Please keep this in mind when reeding our list. I understand your thoughts you may be thinking so i offer you these. If we go inactive or die out you may ban me for a 3 month period. This show's to you I know we will not die and if for some weired ass reason we do I am welling to accept a very harsh punishment.


"Is that fancy gang of your going to provide anything else for Los Santos?"

We are here to provide a fun role play time for the hole sever not just us. We plain to provide fun for the Police Yak's Mag C Vagos and even the little purple bitch's and the admins. We come here to provide a laugh or two for all of you and something to look forword to like our HIll Billy events, Our Role Play Humor and of course our custem ways of doing things.
You may be asking your self "What is Hill Billy events?".
Anser: We all enjoy the fun creative events made by admins well we plain to bring you some events with a twist. We plain to have fun events like,
1. Drunk Pickup Race.
All racers bring a pickup of there choosing to a desired location away from LS like SF. All drivers Must have there weals shot out before the race starts. This provides a un easy and drunk like driving experance
2. Drunk death race.
Same thing above only you race down a large hill you are not allowed to repair your car.
3. King of the Hill
Get your truck and see if you can knock the others off the hill. Of course your drunk so your weals are blown.
4. Red Neck Paint Ball
Get your small SDpistol and come with us on a fun advanture you must snoke some crack because once you loose your Armor you are out.

Much Much more.

Over all we wish to provide SZR with some new fun and RP experinces.

"So now what? What yo fancy gang going to do now?"

As of now I am going to leave the member recruiting up to Emily she has had much better luck than my self and is good ar her job. As for my self I am going to start working on spicing up this forum post and getting the things needed to get us coded into the sever. Money and members is our main concern rite now so I am asking all members to bring some one in with them and as far as money goes I should be able to come up with it soon just needs some hard work put into it.

"Anything I can do to help?"

Consider joining if you are all ready a member get someone else to join. If you have a bit of cash to spare we are looking for people to loan us money. You'll be payed back in Full plus a little extra as a thank you when we get coded and take a point or two over.

"Ok i see your members but is any of them high ranking? How do I beome a high rank?"

Emily is the only OHB at the moment if you want to get higher ranks bring me members show me your not a sever fag and show me you are active. This is the 3 main ways to get a high rank.


Thank You

Thank you to our members.
Thank you guys for sticking with us and getting us out there. Thank you for coming on and reading this forum. Thank you for helping us in our time of need.

A huge thank you to the members of SZR who are sending me PM's asking if they can help in any way shape of forum. Even if you can not help we enjoy the fact that you guys are willing to help us out. In many cases you guys are trying to help us get on the sever even thow you do not wish to join because you are all ready dedicated to another faction. Thank you guys very much.

Thank you the Admin who ever that be who wiped my level and cash. What you just did I thought was bad at first but now you gave us a chance to show we can come out on top even in some pretty shitty situation's.

Thank you to Bill my little brother who has now entered the 3rd grade who typed most of this up for me. I came up with the story but he typed it. Thus making this look like a guy who can not pass the 3rd grade has typed it. {Like the person I am role Playing Mike Dynex is.} A huge thank you to him it took him about 45 minutes to type this all up. I gave him 20 bucks in return but still can i get a hand for him.

And Thank you to the Community who is even reading this.
Last edited by Mike Dynex on April 29th, 2009, 1:31 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Adj »

For those that didn't read this..

This part is just too funny:
Mike Dynex wrote: "I smarter than you our."
"Not uh I smarter than you because I can drink 4 beer cans and seem sober to the cops."
"But I passed the 5th grade and you didn't"
"So school int important all you learn there is a bunch of stupid numbers and letters."

"Ok boys both of you stop. Here is the ranks starting from who is the best's to the dumber"


Rank 1,
Original Hill Billy {OHB}
Referred to as Boss.
Rank 2,
Grandma Jones
A great leader and handy with a shot gun.
Rank 3,
Hill Billy
Got this rank to say they are a true hill Billy.
Rank 4,
Country Boy
Can Rp a Farmer or someone who lives in the country.
Still has a bit to learn before he reach's rank 3.
Rank 5
City Folk
Has earned the Gangs trust however has a lot to learn.
Rank 6,
TNSKD stands for "The not so knew doods'
I wanted it to say they where not knew but be original.
The leader (rank 6) is indeed the dumber haha
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Karl_Bud »

this would be awesome
Mike Dynex
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Adj wrote:For those that didn't read this..

This part is just too funny:
Mike Dynex wrote: "I smarter than you our."
"Not uh I smarter than you because I can drink 4 beer cans and seem sober to the cops."
"But I passed the 5th grade and you didn't"
"So school int important all you learn there is a bunch of stupid numbers and letters."

"Ok boys both of you stop. Here is the ranks starting from who is the best's to the dumber"


Rank 1,
Original Hill Billy {OHB}
Referred to as Boss.
Rank 2,
Grandma Jones
A great leader and handy with a shot gun.
Rank 3,
Hill Billy
Got this rank to say they are a true hill Billy.
Rank 4,
Country Boy
Can Rp a Farmer or someone who lives in the country.
Still has a bit to learn before he reach's rank 3.
Rank 5
City Folk
Has earned the Gangs trust however has a lot to learn.
Rank 6,
TNSKD stands for "The not so knew doods'
I wanted it to say they where not knew but be original.
The leader (rank 6) is indeed the dumber haha

Wow you got it, I wasn't sure if any one would get that. No I am not saying I am dumb but I threw it in there to see if any one would catch it.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Karl_Bud wrote:this would be awesome
Yes it will be great. :smugdog:
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Adj »

Hahahaha please accept this gang!
Jon Smith

Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Jon Smith »

mr ducks mr ducks mr ducks
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Jon Smith wrote:mr ducks mr ducks mr ducks
Jon I ignored your post last time please stop spamming the forum.
Mike Dynex
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Adj wrote:Hahahaha please accept this gang!
Yes Please.
Jon Smith

Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Jon Smith »


simply notice how it is razorsharp714 aka mr ducks
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Who ever this is please note the Pics are not took by me. If you look closely you see that the person who took it is female. Emily is the one you need to talk to not me.

Emily is a guy?
Even so what does it matter?

Edit the post just for you now stop spamming my forum.
What else do you want? Me to kick her or er him? She or him has put a lot of work in en less he or she is a major fag this will not happen sorry.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Kofi_Kingston »

rename ducks to village_idiot
<stenchman> ☣☠④②ⓞ☠☣
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Jay_Vegas »

I like your mods.
Chief K.

I'm an OG.
Mike Dynex
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Kofi_Kingston wrote:rename ducks to village_idiot
Ah that works man I couldn't think of a good rank 1. This sounds real good.
Mike Dynex
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Jay_Vegas wrote:I like your mods.
They are GWP III search it. Any ways there not allowed I had asked members to install that Mod but was latter informed it is not allowed. I uninstalled mine I am not sure if Emily did.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Ole_Tomsom »

well, the HQ is moved to Blueberry(Right next to Banishland faction).
And i have joined with name Jeff_Vegas.
The new name is "EasterBoard Farmers" the name of the Farm is "EasterBoard Farm" (Stands on the entrance)
If we get offical will the faction be bouth by me, but Mike Dynex is going to own the faction, im just going to be LT. (Jeff_Vegas)
Since he is underleveled becouse of Taj, and since he have lowmoney.

Rank 6:

Mike_Dynex / Mike dynex
Rank 5:
Jeff_Vegas / Ole_Tomsom
Rank 4:
Sykes / unknown
Emily_Clag / unknown
Rank 3:
Victorious_MY / unknown
Cresnik / unknown
Rank 2:
Jose_Vasquez / unknown
Rank 1:
dj_abBy / unknown
Jesica_Sortman / unknown
Mike Dynex
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Ole_Tomsom wrote:well, the HQ is moved to Blueberry(Right next to Banishland faction).
And i have joined with name Jeff_Vegas.
The new name is "EasterBoard Farmers" the name of the Farm is "EasterBoard Farm" (Stands on the entrance)
If we get offical will the faction be bouth by me, but Mike Dynex is going to own the faction, im just going to be LT. (Jeff_Vegas)
Since he is underleveled becouse of Taj, and since he have lowmoney.

Rank 6:

Mike_Dynex / Mike dynex
Rank 5:
Jeff_Vegas / Ole_Tomsom
Rank 4:
Sykes / unknown
Emily_Clag / unknown
Rank 3:
Victorious_MY / unknown
Cresnik / unknown
Rank 2:
Jose_Vasquez / unknown
Rank 1:
dj_abBy / unknown
Jesica_Sortman / unknown
Hm First off,
You have been with us a day. You seem to forget what is making us diffrent and our goal is to act like hill Billy's. The HQ I said Ok about. However the name I must think about. Wall your level on your ALT accounts are high you have not showed me that you are loyal. I know your active so if you do not run off at the first sign of troubles or when we are still waiting for a response from a admin I may consider you a higher rank. For now you are a Hill Billy. Not Grandma. Victorious has showed me the up most respect and his loyalty. He stuck with me when Ballers where death matching me and when the cops where sewing us for no reason. He showed that he wants to see this gang get going and that when I say something needs done he will always say "Yes Boss" I trust this man with my life and there for I have made him a Grandma {Rank 5}.

I am not saying you are a bad person but you come to me I ask for your help and ask if you wish to join and help us out. You says yes but you try to take things over. I do not like this. Please slow down and let me earn my respect for you. For now you refer to me as Boss. When i trust you more you may call me by my real name.

Your rank.

Thanks for the member rank list thing Ill be adding it in soon.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Karl_Bud »

lol he did the same thing to ballas...asked me if he could join on an alt i said thing i know he saying hes leader. we didnt let that happen tho
Mike Dynex
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Did you not read my post?
I all ready stated I had the level. Admins wipped it and now I have recovered the XP but not the money to get level up nor creation fee. I have a guy who is going to pay us the money needed and we will have it Monday morning. As gangs are not accepted over night I did not see a problem with me posting this a few days ahead of time.

You will not run my Family you shall help but not run.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Karl_Bud wrote:lol he did the same thing to ballas...asked me if he could join on an alt i said thing i know he saying hes leader. we didnt let that happen tho
Oh yeah I have delt with his kind before. They are good people with good ideas but want things done there way or the high way. I ran a gang on another sever had a guy who did that to me and then when I told him no to one minor idea of his he took off and bitched to the hole sever about it. Even had another gang turn on me with stupid ass lies.

This is not Ole but I know what I am dealing with.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

WTF is bouth anyways?
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Ole_Tomsom »

Lol, well, i will still pay for you, and buy the gang for you, ofc.
And its a little gay that i gave myself rank 5, witch i cant do.
And Karl.
Well, this have nothing to do with Ballas, ballas was totally fucked up, and it still is.

my english suck, i mean that i will buy the gang for you.
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Karl_Bud »

Ole_Tomsom wrote:Lol, well, i will still pay for you, and buy the gang for you, ofc.
And its a little gay that i gave myself rank 5, witch i cant do.
And Karl.
Well, this have nothing to do with Ballas, ballas was totally fucked up, and it still is.

my english suck, i mean that i will buy the gang for you.
you just wanted to turn the ballas into some peacemaking pussys
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Ole_Tomsom »

First off all, i was going to make a little peace, cus all gangs was after Ballas, and now they are again.
When i started in ballas, was like 2 mins outside Pig pen, and someone killed me.
Thats why i maded peace with some gangs becouse that could not keep going, and what you do as leader?
Do you teach em? Well, do as Vagos, set em rank 0 and interview em, then you wot have all the DMers.
Mike Dynex
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Re: Country Hill Billy's

Post by Mike Dynex »

Ole_Tomsom wrote:Lol, well, i will still pay for you, and buy the gang for you, ofc.
And its a little gay that i gave myself rank 5, witch i cant do.
And Karl.
Well, this have nothing to do with Ballas, ballas was totally fucked up, and it still is.

my english suck, i mean that i will buy the gang for you.
I was not aware you where donating to the gang.
Here is our policy.

Plain 1.
Donations to the gang for the gang.
{100k Fee}
You will be payed back in full if accepted. When accepted you will receive you 100k back and then latter on down the line a 50k thank you.
If we are not accepted you will get your money back.

Plain 2.
Donations to me.
{50k for level up}
As I lost my level I need to get 50k to pay for a level up. You loan me the money and I pay a 15 % fee every week tell I can return your money.

Yes giving your self a rank 5 suggest you think your are better than all my other members. This suggest to me your a gang hopper who leaves when ever they do not get there way. Depending on how you respond to the post I made Prev to this decided your new rank. As you admitted what you did was gay I will give you a rank 3. You are a trusted member but you still need to learn the ropes of our family.