Moskva_Bouchard, next big thing

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Moskva_Bouchard, next big thing

Post by Moskva_Bouchard »

Character name: Moskva_Bouchard
Date of birth: 1990
Phone number: 793040
Address/general location (optional): Arvida, QC, Canada

Names of any alts you have/had on SZR: I have none
Previous roleplay experience, including other servers (optional): I have been on GTASARP for 5 months now.
Will your news character be your primary character? (optional): I only have ONE character

A brief description of what brought you here. (Was it a recommendation? A wanted ad? Simple whimsy? Something else?): For sure it was a recommendation I never knew I had this steamy hot news skills

A brief description of why you feel you'd be an asset to our team : Moskva_Bouchard must be really old but he is wise and knows when and how to prevent Los Santos of falling into anarchy. He proved it once when he reported the acts of shemales who were invading some kind of past of the tree or I don't know what da fawk he said...

An example of your writing in the two formats : Attention, citizens of Los Santos, from now on your host and news reporter will be good ol' Moskva. We recently received complains about a naked robber running on LS freeway. If you plan to take a trip around just take care of this dangerous and heavily armed man. Don't stand into the police path!

P.S. It's weird how the robber looks familiar to me...

Any additional comments : I am not mentally challenged, okay?
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Re: Moskva_Bouchard, next big thing

Post by Banjo »

1. You're missing the 2nd news format.
2. Your 1st format sucks, no effort put into at all.

You sound like a funny guy! Give me an in-game style report like this:
/news Hello
/news I like rabbits.
/news I also like bagles.
if I see effort and appropriateness, you are accepted.
Kitty_Mason wrote:
Rho wrote:im hung like a chinese mouse and will never get to see boobs like those let alone play with them
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Re: Moskva_Bouchard, next big thing

Post by Ykraiina »

Redo both news format examples, looks like you rushed this, take your time and show us some better examples you seem to have the sense of humor to pull it off
SANews Network Machoman Luca_Shevchenko
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Re: Moskva_Bouchard, next big thing

Post by Ole_Tomsom »

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Re: Moskva_Bouchard, next big thing

Post by Dom »


Stop replying to News and LSPD applications; being that you are in neither faction you do not have the right to reply.

@ The thread;
Moskva_Bouchard= You seem to have a idiocy in /newbie. Whenever you are unmuted, you speak something along the lines of...
Some shit like that.
<Report> [report] Dominic_Cattano (3): i am Hacker