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Gang Turf !

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 4:36 pm
by Jeff Fisher
Alright , I was playing on another server when I notice something odd on the mini map. After being a nub and ask the admins what it was , they said " It's gang turf" Then an idea begins to unfold for gang turf SZR. Here is my idea

20 gang turf in total

1 gang will own two turf , 1 will be there hq , second one will be whatever they want.

When you assaulting the gang turf , you must have four members and you must stay there for 3min then you have access to /claimturf

After 3min a message will appear , "Gang" is attempted to take over your turf !

The defense gang will then enter the battle , blah blah blah.

Finally after taking over the turf you get X amount of money for taking over your enemy turf.

EDIT : To prevent for zerg rushing , the defense team must have 5-8 people.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 4:59 pm
by B_Dizzle
I like it.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 5:15 pm
by Marius
The money earned should be somewhat like extorting the residents in the area.
Decent money for player owned businesses/points and much less for nothing in the area.
I could see this idea change the whole points system into a turf section.

But can it even be done?

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 5:21 pm
by Chris Hansen
There was a similar idea posted back on the old forum. One point I brought up was that the news station, newbie spawn, and a mat pickup are all within about a minute of three gang HQs (Yakuza, Hobos, and whoever is occupying the Azteca club). Not to mention those who own houses near other gang HQs. So every time a news reporter or newbie spawns, or when someone is doing a mat run, the gangs would get the message "so and so is trying to take over your turf" and it would just get annoying and pointless after a while. It would ultimately turn into one gang being awake at like 4 am server time and claiming every turf, then going to bed, and then another gang claims all the turfs a few hours later. The only time the turfs would actually be battled over are during the peak hours, when every is laggy and crash prone enough as it is without a dozen gangs fighting over the local liquor store.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 11:52 am
by brains
this is the main problem with turfs. you'd be amazed at how quickly you get bored of having to rush over to some area and get into a prolonged fight just because a group of your enemies decided to take a shortcut through it. it would burn everyone out really quickly.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 3:37 pm
by Jeff Fisher
brains wrote:this is the main problem with turfs. you'd be amazed at how quickly you get bored of having to rush over to some area and get into a prolonged fight just because a group of your enemies decided to take a shortcut through it. it would burn everyone out really quickly.
Gang turf = takeable every 24hrs ? 12 ?

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 4:38 pm
by B_Dizzle
Jeff Fisher wrote:
brains wrote:this is the main problem with turfs. you'd be amazed at how quickly you get bored of having to rush over to some area and get into a prolonged fight just because a group of your enemies decided to take a shortcut through it. it would burn everyone out really quickly.
Gang turf = takeable every 24hrs ? 12 ?
Every 24 hours, and keep the turf limited, so you don't have to defend 20 territories. 1 or 2 locations, perhaps HQs would be appropriate. Plus, it could give gangs the actual opportunity to invade someone's HQ. Also, I don't think the news should be considered for turf. It's just not what we do.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 5th, 2008, 9:25 pm
by Chris Hansen
So they'd basically be extra mat points/drug houses, minus the usefulness of gun materials and drugs?

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 6th, 2008, 1:10 am
by Juke
If you put such a long limit on them they'd never be contested. It should have claim points like the drughouses, and come up maybe once an hour, along with these other stipulations people are posting.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 6th, 2008, 1:19 pm
by Sammut
I think if we can get it to work and get it so people arent bored after a week of it, it'd be a good new way for gangs to fight each other, not just attacking HQs, death convoys and points. They should also give a certain amount of money every hour to make them worth fighting and losing guns over.

Maybe if you could get it so they have to be claimed, making it so you dont have to just walk through it I think it would work.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 7th, 2008, 10:33 am
by Jeff Fisher
Quickly Fred ! Put it in !

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 8th, 2008, 5:41 pm
by Carey_Mahoney
For every point or drug house a gang owns they should be able to contest one gang turf territory and one only.

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 8th, 2008, 6:31 pm
by OG_Kane
Yes this is a good idea, Gangs need other thing is to other than points as the wait time is not very fun

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 9th, 2008, 7:34 pm
by Jeff Fisher
Hahaha or you can make /gangwar , (admin command) where all the gangs spawn into a dome of death and fight with chainsaws !

Re: Gang Turf !

Posted: February 11th, 2008, 7:32 am
by Nino_Brown
I like this idea give gangs more to do in the server and also will bring the realism of gang territory into role play just as it is in splayer. Is this something that the admins plan to put into the next update ??