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Banned from the server? Think it's a bug? [READ THIS]

Posted: July 22nd, 2009, 8:13 pm
by David_York
To help reduce the almost daily shit thread complaints of banned bugs, I've made this thread.

So it says you're banned? here are a few tips.

- The game loads and says you're banned
  • Sometimes when the game loads it may timeout and cause it to show that you're banned from the server when you actually aren't. Simply reconnect to fix this.
- Still says you're banned? You may be caught in a range ban.
  • A range ban is for when a player frequently changes their IP to avoid bans. If the palyer does it constantly, a range ban is placed. Basically a range ban will block IP's similar to the players IP and will help keep the player off the server for a while unless they can manual type out what IP they want.
  • A friend, brother, sister, parrot, or carrot could have been using a computer under your IP and was banned. SZR does not only ban IP's but also bans the accounts connected to that IP. Say I have 3 accounts and my pet carrot hacks the shit, SZR will ban his account and the IP he used including my 3 accounts used under that IP. (Not sure if this is true but is likely.) Or it may just add accounts to the list of banned accounts if it uses a banned IP.

Still Banned? Go Here.