Gangs on SZR are asked to create content for the server population. Whether you're warring, chilling out, creating an empire, or anything in between, you can always find a way to make more fun for yourselves and the public. Admins are here to help YOU run events!
If your gang would like to run an event, admins can provide a few services at their discretion.
Server announcements
Teleporting to special areas/interiors
Teleporting to another "virtual world" where you can't be interrupted
/joinevent teleports
Spawned vehicles
Spawned objects
Small prizes
Mediating / judging / monitoring
And more
If you'd like admin help, we have a few guidelines for your event.
Plan your event ahead of time and give us as much notice as possible. There may be no admins capable of handling your event if you need immediate help
If you're running a private event with just your faction, we will be less inclined to help. Involve the public!
If you're running a private event with multiple factions, please get the approval of and coordinate with all involved parties BEFORE asking for help
Absolutely no admin prizes unless the event is fair and involves the entire server
This doesn't include OJ, Donut Falls, or any other server programmed OOC event.
If your gang plans on running a gang event and needs help, you can post in the Cars / Interiors / Etc forum or Forum PM Juke or another admin.
Gang Events
Moderators: Juke, Forum Moderators, Server Moderators