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Site Enhancements (MySQL)

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 4:09 am
by FreshFeesh
Since the server is moving / has moved to MySQL, and it's an easy database to work with, I figure some small amount of polling would show some interesting statistics here on the SZR site. I'm a sysadmin by trade, so making some headway into these wouldn't be a problem for me if you think they're a good idea:

Average/Max # of users online (24 hrs, 7 days, whatever)
Average/Max level/money/whatever
Biggest gang, or stats on all gangs
Most popular profession (by avg. level)
Players currently online (I know it's in SA-MP but still)
Most arrests
Longest playtime / age

And the like. I'm fairly sure the SQL calls would be lightweight, and we can generate stats every hour (or more/less often to taste) to further reduce load. After the eventual move to MTA, it shouldn't take much effort to tweak the queries, provided we know what data we want, and how we want it presented.

Re: Site Enhancements (MySQL)

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 10:14 am
by Moe
Revealing who's the most richest, the biggest gang and so on is just dumb.
The size of one gang may not compare to the dedication of another.

I highly doubt that Rachael would hire you.
Also, I kinda doubt that you even know how to make all of this.
Making a simple function to see who's the richest in PHP isn't that hard, on the other hand...
Making a full scale user-system, for players and admins, that's a pretty big job, you'd have to get a decent design to code it in and of course code the design, then you'd have to code the whole user-system which again, with the amount of functions SZR has(I'm referring to the new gamemode, as the current gamemode has numerous functions the new one will most likely be way more complicated) You wouldn't be done in a heartbeat.

>> I wrote this while under the influence of stress and tiredness, I have a pretty good understanding of HTML, CSS and PHP, so I know what I'm talking about.

Re: Site Enhancements (MySQL)

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 10:24 am
by BigAssGoat
backseat admin

Re: Site Enhancements (MySQL)

Posted: January 22nd, 2011, 1:43 pm
by FreshFeesh
Sorry if I was misunderstood -- I'm not looking to be 'hired' or push in on Rachel's job, I just figured it'd be cool to see some statistics on the site.

As for the difficulty of coding that all in PHP/perl, it's just a matter of getting the right queries and presenting the data -- a few joins and nothing more, there's no architectural user framework or anything of the type. It wouldn't be interactive, just a statistics page or the like that would refresh with a cron job.

Just a suggestion and an offer to help if it were something the site would be interested in having, that's all.