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Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 9:38 am
by Boybetterknow
Reason: recieved 3th warning.

The reason I recieved this warning was because according to alex I KOS'ed a grove named Russel. This is absolutly NOT true, I never even have a problem with russel OR a reason to kill/attack him. At the time this ''so called KOS'' happend, me and the homeless were after lemmy and drake for attacking (and eventually killing) me and john. I was even the one /finding lemmy and drake. Then suddenly a grove car drives by and some of the people in our car (dont know who exactly) shot the car. I never laid 1 shot on that car!! I even said in /f NOT HIM... The people in my car can probally confirm this. I said /f not him.. And some other guy from my family responded: I blew up his car though.... Thats all that happend... I didnt had anything to do with it, the guy also didnt die or anything...

All the above claims can be proven by watching the chat logg...
I have been a shithead back in the day by rollin with big_boe and all of them and I kinda understand I stil get fucked over for that, but this warning is wrong and it can be proven in he chat logg..

Thanks in advance for reading.

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 9:49 am
by Moe_City
You not a shithead for riding with me, u been a shithead before u met me. that bandwagon shit won't help u nun so quit it

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 9:58 am
by Boybetterknow
Actually you was one of the first, if not, THE first I met/rolled with when I started. Your the one that offered me 50k to help you kill the crips...


Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 10:15 am
by Silver_Leo
what were your other warnings for

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 10:16 am
by Boybetterknow
Cant remember, but Im pretty sure the other ones were valid though...

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 10:24 am
by Silver_Leo
I consider this one valid since the whole reason was kosing and being a shithead, which you were. Checked your warnings, they're pretty dumb.

The fact you don't remember what your warnings are clearly means you don't give a fuck if you break a rule.

Unbanish in a week, think about your behavior and remember this is a place for roleplay and not death convoys over every single person in the server you have a problem with because you're a shithead.

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 11:49 am
by Boybetterknow
Okay thats reasonable and I accept that.
But I whould like (and dont get me wrong, im not telling ANYONE what to do or anything) but I whould like if admins whould judge me with a more open mind next time in game.
Because I notice I allways get blamed for things like this (allthough I am fully aware that my own behivour from back in the day is responsible for this).
But for example, something that used to happend alot a few days ago, the crips whould kill me with a death squad 4 vs 1 over and over again, seriously spawn kill and all that, kill me like 5 times in 10 minutes. I usally dont /report them because I dont really care about dieing plus I dont want to whine to admins over little things because I know they got better things to do.
But then when my friends get on to help, or when one of the guys involved is now allone and I took my chance and killed the guy for revenge, I get accused for all kind of shit, from DM to KOS. (because usally, the crips whined and /report when they are on their own and getting killed, but as soon as their friends come on, they death squad me)

Please, every story has 2 sides... This case is the same, allthough I accept and fully understand my punishment, its clear (from the chatloggs) I didnt attack or was planning to attack that russel guy in ANY way...

And please dont mistake this message as a smart ass comment or anything...

And about the warnings I had before this, I remember 1 of them now though, I can fully explain it allthough I am aware that this whouldnt make a diffrence or anything so I will just accept the punishment.

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 8th, 2011, 2:35 pm
by Russell
You lot came randomly dming.. and then you expect not to be punished?

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 8th, 2011, 2:35 pm
by Russell
You lot came randomly dming.. and then you expect not to be punished?

Re: Tempa_T Banished on 3 dec 2011

Posted: December 8th, 2011, 5:33 pm
by mkrtich
Permabanned for shitting up the forums. Later skater.