Varrio Los Aztecas

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Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by JaydenK »

Gang Name: Varrio Los Aztecas

Gang Description:
In the Mid 80's gun crime and drug use was rising in Los Santos. Gang warfare was taking over the streets. Two gangs, Varrio Los Aztecas and Idlewood Bloodz we caught up in this mayhem. Varrio Los Aztecas was founded by a man known as Jerome Kingston. He was a Mexican man in his mid 40's and died after having 17 bullets shot in his head while asleep in his house in Mexico. This was a plan made by the Idlewood Bloodz. After Jerome Kingston died the Varrio Los Aztecas was going down. Nobody wanted to be leader, fearing for their lives. During a period of 20 years the Idlewood Bloodz were running the streets of Los Santos. They had drugs imported to them from Cuba. All types of drugs, from the highest to the lowest class. The Idlewood Bloodz used these drugs for business. They sold them in a crackhouse opposite Ganton Gym. Everybody knew about this house but nobody wanted to tell the cops. Even if the cops found out what could they do? The Idlewood Bloodz we powerful and had many members from all over Los Santos. The cops would be scared themselves. So the Idlewood Bloodz were untouchable. Nobody ever tried to do anything. Every parent feared for their children. The Idlewood Bloodz were recruiting many young adults, mostly teenagers. Parents tried to keep their children away from the streets but it was inpossible. Every child was already caught up in the gang culture or had links to it. The boss of The Idlewood Bloodz, Tyrone Crews provided many teenagers with B class drugs to sell at school. Many teens were caught selling drugs by the LSPD but were let off with a warning. The Idlewood Bloodz were getting away with alot of things, drugdealing, arms dealing and drive-bys. Drive-bys stopped and only took place rarely since the Varrio Los Aztecas finished. But the Idlewood Bloodz still need to worry. Jerome Kingston's son was growing up. His son Jayden was born just after his fathers death, 20 years on Jayden was a man and is ready to bring the Varrio Los Aztecas back into the game following from his fathers ways.
Jayden woke up and headed to the bathroom, doing the usual things. Had his breakfast and headed out of his one bedroom shack straight to the bus stop. Jayden was heading for a job interview in San Fierro. He went onto the bus and sat next to an elderly woman. With his headphones stuck in his ear he was listening to the new album by Kanye West. A bunch of hooded teens entered the bus. All wearing red hoodies and baggy jeans. One of them had brass knuckles in his hand and the others were armed with baseball bats. They went on to the bus without paying and sat right at the back. Through the whole journey they were making noise and swearing. The bus driver got fed up and marched to the boys.
' Hey, Listen up. You need to pay for the journey and get out of my bus! '
' Yo chill man, you dont wanna get hurt'
' Listen, gimme the the money and get out of the bus!'
' Make us!'
' I will call the cops on you this second! '
' Those pigs cant do shit! '
' Well, we'll see about that. '
' Nobody can do anything 'bout the Idlewood Bloodz'
The four teens touched fists. Jayden knew he had to help the bus driver. He stood up and walked next to the bus driver.
' Hey puta, pay da man his money and get off! '
' Hey, we know you, your Jayden arent you? Jerome's son. '
' Yeah, I am! '
' Hmm, didn't your dad get shot and die? '
' Yeah he did by one of your crew, When i find out who it was somebody will get hurt.'
' Is that so? '
The leading teen from the four of them, pulled out a knife. Jayden stood there unarmed. The bus driver jumped on one of the boys and put him to the ground. All the passengers ran out of the bus. One of the passengers pulled out a mobile phone and dialed in '911' as quickly ass possible.
' Hello, What would you like, Police, Fire or Paramedic?
' Police quick '
' Where are you located? '
' The lady looked around and saw the street name, '
' 36th Street, Los Santos on a.. '
She wasn't able to finish the sentence as one of the boys overheard her speaking and snatched the phone of her. Jayden was still in the middle of a fight. A kick came from behind on to him back which threw him to the floor. One of the boys stepped on Jayden's head and spat on his face. The boys ran off the bus, throwing bats onto the road. A car was driving by and drove over the bat's and lost control. The car skidded into a shop window nearby smashing the window and nearly missing a person walking by. Jayden stood up from the floor and wiped the saliva off his face. He ran after the boys into an alleyway. The boys were there, It was a deadend. They looked back and saw Jayden there. Jayden ran towards at tempting speed. He clotheslined one of them on the face knocking him straight to the floor. The other boys jumped and start kicking Jayden to the floor, Suddenly a van screeched its tyres into the alleyway and a group of hooded teens wearing some clothes as the other boys jumped out they approached Jayden and carried on with the beating. One of them shouted,
' Yo, stop now he has learned his bloody lesson! '
The boy's picked up Jayden and threw him into the van, The van driver drove away. Jayden was unconsious and didn't know where he was. He got his back up and looked around. He saw the boys in the van, he couldn't move they tied him up in one corner. Jayden couldn't speak either. The boys took a credit card and put it in his mouth. At the moment the van pulled over at a at an old warehouse. The boy's carried Jayden out of the van and into the warehouse. In the warehouse their were many boxes all over labelled 'A' , 'B' and 'C'. Supposedly it was drugs. The boys while still carrying Jayden approached a door. One of the boys knocked on the door. The door was opened and there was a throne with a man sitting on it. The man was bald, fat and his race was black. The man was smoking on a huge cuban cigar and had 2 prostitutes. By his side one of the girls was giving the man a shoulder massage and the other girl was fanning the man. The man started to speak, he had a deep voice.
' What do we have here? '
He blew some from the cigar, into Jayden's face. Jayden was trying to get off the other boys. The other boys were holding him but then dropped him. One of them kicked him on the stomach. Jayden was in pain and he knew he cant do anything. He was outnumbered The boss of the Idlewood Bloodz, the man sitting on the throne was Tyrone Crews. He walked to Jayden and stepped on his hand.
' Son, you need to watch yourself, We know you and your dad. Your dad got killed by one of my men and if you try to do anything you will live a hard life son'
One of the boys picked up Jayden and untied him, He took the creditcard out of his mouth and let him free. Jayden stood there and wiped the blood off his face with his shirt.
' Get the boy a towel! '
One of the boy's hurried to get Jayden a towel. Jayden used the towl to wipe blood from his face.
'Son you need to watch yourself, I don't wanna see you anywhere near my territory unless your looking for trouble. '
The day after the incident Jayden phoned up his brother who was living in Mexico.
'' 'Hola! "
" Jayden, how are you? "
" Not so good. Do ya' remember those putas who killed our father "
" Yeah I do, those idiots. "
" Well, I must a' run into 'em on de bus, These pricks recognised me and they fuckin' messed wit' me "
" I told ya' bro, dont be living with none of 'em pricks, come over 'ere back. 'come where ya' belong "
" So you tellin' me to leave these pussys over 'ere who killed meh dad and just leave? "
" Well, what ya' gonna do? Let 'em run up on ya' again? "
" Fuck no! Why'd ya' think I gave YOU a call? "
" What are ya' getting on to? "
" What am sayin' is you and the lads all come over 'ere and show these putas what Mexican means, how can you let a fuckin' little black boy go n' shoot mine and your old man seven'een times in 'is bloody head? "
" Jayden, are you outta your mind? "
" No, YOU are outta your mind, whats this? Your dad is dead, but rather than you 'elping out you gonna stay there like a little cunt and not do shit abou' it? "
" Jayden, I got a life over 'ere, a business and I'm earning meh self some money d'ya understand meh? "
" Look mate, if you wanna ruin our family name, you do that but let me just tell you one thing, Dad lived his life and made his money, yes the money wasnt legal cash but whos gonna know? I'm gonna follow dads footsteps and bring our family name back in the streets, ya' either with meh, or against meh..."
" Jayden ya' seriously are a fuckin' idiot, look im gonna go buy meh self a cheap flight ticket and make my way there, imma land at Los Santos Airport, make sure ya' phone aint busy, as soon as I land i'll give ya' a call "
" Aight then, try to get some of the men with ya' And bring some money too. "
" Hmm, okay then see you tomora' then bro. "
" Adios. "
Jayden hang up and put the phone down.
Next day, at 3pm, Juan and 6 other men left the airplane and were picked up by a Savanna, they made their way to Jayden's one bedroom house and once the embracing was done. The business started. Varrio Los Aztecas was back in business, led by The Kingston twins, Los Santos don't know what's about to hit them.
Varrio Los Aztecas - Remember the name
Why?: I might not be the highest levelled player in the game at Level 1, but I dont think anybody has anything against me in game. I attempt to RP whenever it's possible and I personally think that I'm a decent Rper, I would also encourage all my gang members to RP whenever they're able to do so. The reason why i'm choosing this type of gang is because it is original. I checked through the gang creation information post, I read it through quite a few times and I asked myself am I going to be able to handle the responsibility and I believe I could do a good job as leader of this gang. So I hope people show support and hopefully the gang will get accepted.


In game name/forum name

Rank 7 Jayden Kingston / JaydenK
Rank 6: Russell Carter / Russell
Rank 5: Abila Alverez/ Abila / Sammy Carter / SammyCarter0
Rank 4:
Rank 3: Juan Cortez / ??? / Alex Wizzle / ???
Rank 2: Sam Johns / ???
Rank 1: Jason Wizzle/ ???
Rank 0: Aaron Taylor / ???

Is it possible if Jayden Kingston can be changed to Carlos Martinez as Jayden is not a Mexican name. (For RP reasons only)

Rank Names:
Rank 7: El Jefe
Rank 6: Patron
Rank 5: Jefe
Rank 4:Oficial
Rank 3: Soldado
Rank 2: Associado
Rank 1: Pendejo
Rank 0: Outsider

Rules :
1. The Server Rules - viewtop ... =33&t=6725
2. Make sure your an active member, if your not you would get kicked from our gang
3. Make sure you show respect to the leader.
4. Treat others like you would like to be treated. Also dont snitch.
6. Make sure you RP well. Dont abuse the OOC chat
7. Dont DM and no logging to avoid death or arrest.
8. Dont make decisions if the leader of the gang or one of the LT's are there.
9. Make sure you dont annoy the admins or act like an idiot, just dont be a noob.
10. Last but not least - Enjoy yourself but without breaking any rules.

Desired Skins

Boss Skin:

Other Skins:

Female Skins:

Last edited by JaydenK on December 25th, 2011, 5:10 am, edited 4 times in total.

Jayden Kingston
Varrio Los Aztecas - El Jefe
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Lewis Howard »

first of all i dont like this , and you are to
1:moronically to lead a family
2:why you didnt post all the names like Wiliam and Jason and Taylor
because they are dmers and you wont to get denied
3:i was in a trouble with your members look at those pictures how they doin' shit and breaking the rules ::
4: most of your members doing shit too like that
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Malcolm_Fitzherbert »

Well, in the second picture I was with Lewis but I tried to solve this shit, Abila started it, I talked with Johnny Scarseta, and we had a long chit chat, anyways I was like a mediation dude between them from the otherwise, Johnny Scarseta isn't Abila lol.
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by JaydenK »

first of all i dont like this , and you are to
1:moronically to lead a family
2:why you didnt post all the names like Wiliam and Jason and Taylor
because they are dmers and you wont to get denied
3:i was in a trouble with your members look at those pictures how they doin' shit and breaking the rules ::
4: most of your members doing shit too like that
1. I have gang leader experience. Do you? No.
2. I was going to post them up but then my brother Russell came on so I couldn't edit it. (William is kicked)
3. William Wallence is kicked anyway. I cant say anything about him but also " Members " What other member broke rules?
4. Name two other people who did the same as William.

Jayden Kingston
Varrio Los Aztecas - El Jefe
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Johnny Scarseta1 »

@Lewis: I don't think that you have the right to complain about things that hasn't happened yet, You're just a DMer who came here to DM, I don't really see any point of your report, you have been attacking us.

also Jayden has an experience into leading gangs, if you don't know anything about someone, then just get the fuck out.
Johnny Scarseta

Varrios Los Aztecas
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Lewis Howard
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Lewis Howard »

Johnny Scarseta1 wrote:@Lewis: I don't think that you have the right to complain about things that hasn't happened yet, You're just a DMer who came here to DM, I don't really see any point of your report, you have been attacking us.

also Jayden has an experience into leading gangs, if you don't know anything about someone, then just get the fuck out.
first of all i dont know you to DM you how you know that I'm DM you came to the server yesterday you was inactive
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by JaydenK »

Lewis Howard wrote:
Johnny Scarseta1 wrote:@Lewis: I don't think that you have the right to complain about things that hasn't happened yet, You're just a DMer who came here to DM, I don't really see any point of your report, you have been attacking us.

also Jayden has an experience into leading gangs, if you don't know anything about someone, then just get the fuck out.
first of all i dont know you to DM you how you know that I'm DM you came to the server yesterday you was inactive
Also, why are you posting on my gang app? I did not make the rules but you have to. If I were you I wont post on my gang app.

Jayden Kingston
Varrio Los Aztecas - El Jefe
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by EnKay »

Your boss skin is used by Chain Gang.
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Sa-m-urphy »

I zupport those dudes
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Samantha-Pich »

You all are scamming peoples and fucking around. You won't own a gang dude.
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Sa-m-urphy »

at least spell it right, :dogout:
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Steven aka Dylan »

Sa-m-urphy wrote:at least spell it right, :dogout:


And I don't know why Im posting 7-9 replys at the same time, maybe there is a bug.
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Rodney »

Steven aka Dylan wrote:
Sa-m-urphy wrote:at least spell it right, :dogout:

And I don't know why Im posting 7-9 replys at the same time, maybe there is a bug.
Lol we're not as stupid as you, look at the time they was all posted there was a difference in some of them, where you obviously spammed shit in every thread.
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by Sadao »

Steven aka Dylan wrote:
Sa-m-urphy wrote:at least spell it right, :dogout:


And I don't know why Im posting 7-9 replys at the same time, maybe there is a bug.
Dylan i'd suggest you clicking ONLY ONCE on the god damn button!
Dylan wrote:You know mate exactly what I have suffered in this period, also I don't shirk from my fault as you have seen.
Snob Dylan wrote:lastly,I am waiting eagerly to log in the game so far.
therefore ?
Malcolm_Fitzherbert wrote:I was like that lost cat, who needs to be fucked by a dog
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Re: Varrio Los Aztecas

Post by willio_sayen1 »

sammy n rusell are banned
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but ramses is not dancing he does not dance at the parties