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/points reform

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 9:15 pm
by Jazzy_Mesa
The entire idea of /points, at this minute, is kind of simplistic. All it requires is you tooling up, killing 5 people, capping a point, and gaining free money. The point holder then gets a raw amount of money each time a player uses it and that money is added to the fbank (unless they changed this). It's simple, gundealers and drug dealers simply go to a point, and materials/drugs are made out of thin air.

And it's kind of messy, factions require little upkeep and the entire system is passive. After point battles factions simply shake hands and wait 24 hours before competing again. I aim to fix this in the least by making it so factions require micromanaging their points to the point that if they can't maintain materials or drugs inside a point, they can't service customers and therefore have more of a backdrop if they fail to meet needs of players. That by which will make it so point battles go less smoothly, making it so civilians can participate in battles to the point where they simply wish to fight for the faction that can maintain materials in said point, and offering at a decent price. Or the faction that is scamming people, can maintain dominance over it, and rush off anyone who steps to.

It's a pretty simple idea as well, but to convey more easily, let's make an example.

The Mafia, a big tough faction, wants to claim MgetA. MgetA is owned by Yakuza (lets say my point system will be implemented AFTER mafia captures) The Yakuza lose the point, and Mafia now control the point.

The Mafia now has a job of "maintaining" the point, meaning each point now has a Matbank (or a Drugbank). Now I bet you know where this is going, each person who USES a mat point takes out of said bank. aka 10 mat packs. So let's make a random number and say each hour players use about 1,000 mat packs, the mafia's job is to MAKE SURE the bank maintains enough matpacks in it to supply customers, and at the same time they benefit from this, as the Mafia can now set prices to whatever standard they wish. They cannot mses with how many matpacks you can take, but they can change how much THEY COST. (note that once mafia caps the point they HAVE to set a price, and they can only set a price ONCE. (aka cant change that shit to 10000000 the next time someone uses), there must also be a place to check mat/drug prices to make suer you won't get robbed a shitfuck of money).
For Mafia's sake, they set the price to $2100. However they only net a certain amount of money AFTER how much it costs to make said mats, which is a constant of $1000 to make ten mats. So if Mafia sets their price to 2100, they net 1100$ on each purchase of mats (these numbers will have to be tweaked)
So, now Mafia has a job of making sure what exactly? Making sure that every player on the server doesn't want to cut their throats. Mafia's job is to MAKE SURE there are enough mats in each bank (though understand, it will be inscrutibly easy to refill mats, making sure that factions will never run into the problem of ever running out unless they ignore the mbank for long long long periods of time).

So hypothetical, what if a mbank is empty, or the prices are set so high that nobody can be arsed buying them.

My gut instinct is to want to say "fuck you then, no mats" but there can be an alternative for people, making a new set of mat points, these ones MUCH longer distances, these are completely npc run, and the points are not even capturable, but you can only (as a player) matrun to these 5 times an hour. This also opens a new perspective of boycotting competing factions, if the Yakuza don't want to fuel the Mafia a surplus of money, they can gladly use these NPC routes.

Moving on is how to refuel matbanks/drugbanks. This is by a faction member going out of LS (that one garage place) picking up a truck, and delivering matpacks to mgets. This is simple, and costs no money. Just a simple poopsock. However, materials are made from thin air from this supply. But this entire process makes factions have a bigger role in the doings of civilians and other factions.

This can also open a new second hand job like fishing or dropcar. Matpickerupper (to be better named). The job is simply to go to to the matfactory that the factions go to, and simply drive around, pick up things needed for materials from places like factories, 7/11s (just the generic, walk into the red circle, get a mat, go to next one), you get a flat rate of maybe $1k per run (you have to basically run the fuck all over LS for it) and can do it whenever you wish. Each spot needs to be random so people cannot group together in a fucking bus and make major money. (maybe not random but have like 1-3 possible locations and each route consists of maybe 3 seperate places you need to go, so like:
a3 >> after picking up from any A
b3 >> after picking up from any B
c3 >> drop mats off, and yuo get paid

Just an idea obviously, and it would probably be quite the bitch to code but i've always thought the /points system was too fucking stupid.

Though if the /points are not to be reformed, i'd atleast like to see this job implemented so it's another option for people who want to make money, as fishing is boring as fuck and driving is semi-decent fun.

Re: /points reform

Posted: January 8th, 2012, 5:45 am
by John_Woody
I really like your suggestion however I think refilling a point should not be that easy.
Moving on is how to refuel matbanks/drugbanks. This is by a faction member going out of LS (that one garage place) picking up a truck, and delivering matpacks to mgets. This is simple, and costs no money. Just a simple poopsock. However, materials are made from thin air from this supply. But this entire process makes factions have a bigger role in the doings of civilians and other factions.
The basic process you describe is quite cool, yet I suggest that we have a battle between cops and the gang trying to resupply the point. Basically the truck would carry materials and the cops would try to raid the transport (or maybe get bribed so they don't raid it).
The truck should only be available when enough cops are online. Once a gang has picked up the truck, the cops would get a message that a gang is trying to smuggle illegal goods into the city. They would now typically attempt to raid the truck. The truck would not blow up when shot at, yet would be disabled. Once the truck is disabled, the cops have to try to secure whatever it has loaded. To do this they kill the gangmembers that are trying to defend the truck, and then get close to the truck. Here they would do a some command (similar to /claim) and begin securing the load. In order to secure the load, the cops have to remain close to the truck, if they leave it they automatically lose their "claim". If they manage to hold the truck for a certain amount of time, the gang has lost and was unable to resupply the point. They can retry to suplly the point in x hours.
If the gang manages to win the truck back, they would have to repair (maybe make this take like 1 minute) and then keep driving it towards the point. When they reach the point, the point is refilled and people can poopsock again.

Re: /points reform

Posted: January 8th, 2012, 6:59 pm
by Jazzy_Mesa
John_Woody wrote:I really like your suggestion however I think refilling a point should not be that easy.
Moving on is how to refuel matbanks/drugbanks. This is by a faction member going out of LS (that one garage place) picking up a truck, and delivering matpacks to mgets. This is simple, and costs no money. Just a simple poopsock. However, materials are made from thin air from this supply. But this entire process makes factions have a bigger role in the doings of civilians and other factions.
The basic process you describe is quite cool, yet I suggest that we have a battle between cops and the gang trying to resupply the point. Basically the truck would carry materials and the cops would try to raid the transport (or maybe get bribed so they don't raid it).
The truck should only be available when enough cops are online. Once a gang has picked up the truck, the cops would get a message that a gang is trying to smuggle illegal goods into the city. They would now typically attempt to raid the truck. The truck would not blow up when shot at, yet would be disabled. Once the truck is disabled, the cops have to try to secure whatever it has loaded. To do this they kill the gangmembers that are trying to defend the truck, and then get close to the truck. Here they would do a some command (similar to /claim) and begin securing the load. In order to secure the load, the cops have to remain close to the truck, if they leave it they automatically lose their "claim". If they manage to hold the truck for a certain amount of time, the gang has lost and was unable to resupply the point. They can retry to suplly the point in x hours.
If the gang manages to win the truck back, they would have to repair (maybe make this take like 1 minute) and then keep driving it towards the point. When they reach the point, the point is refilled and people can poopsock again.
the cops thing is cool. and i did have the original idea of making it so trucks only spawn once and hour, so that factions could essentially grief the other faction's points. but i dunno, that just seems unneeded. the problem as well with cops is that not enough play on to have a decent amount of battling. and the fact cops have always avoided point battles.

Re: /points reform

Posted: January 8th, 2012, 7:29 pm
by Chris Hansen
Can gangs still block other gangs from using points? If not, bring that back

Re: /points reform

Posted: January 8th, 2012, 8:44 pm
by Jazzy_Mesa
Chris Hansen wrote:Can gangs still block other gangs from using points? If not, bring that back
so long as the alternative npc points would be there i wouldn't see a problem in it.