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Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 3:51 am
by John Street

(one day in Mexico) 2 brothers John_Street and Giuseppe_Ziano were going in Liqour store to buy some drinks.

John_Street: Giu (Giuseppe_Ziano). lets go to buy some boos at Liqour store.

Giuseppe_Ziano:Chea im thirsty.

When they got into the store it was a robbery in the moment.

John_Street: The fuck is this??

Giuseppe_Ziano: It is a robbery cant you see esse?

Some Rednecks where robbing the store, and they we're armoured.

Redneck: Ey boys lets get the hell out of here!!

They left and then we tryed to help woman on pult.

Sudently, cops have arrived and... ofcourse John and Giuseppe we're thrown behind prison bars.

(2 days later...)

Cop: So boys you are going to be in jail for loooong time aight!?

John: Why officer we didn't rob the story it was some redneck did it...

Giuseppe: Yes officer it is true!

Cop:Dont you lie to me fuckin' little bastard

(Few moments later)

Cop: we just found out that the woman that was working on pult... She's dead. So you are going to be judged for
Murder and robbery...

(On the Courthouse)

Judge: Giuseppe Ziano and John Street? You are going in jail for time of 5 years and 6 months.

John: (whisper) Giu we need to escape...

Court cop: Hey! enough of talking!

(2 months later)

Giu i got the plan...

TV reporter: Today on news:2 escaped for prison.

(Somewhere in Mexico)

John: Ey Giu? You see that truck? Lets get in it

That truck was a fruit truck going for LS but they didn't know that

(Few hours later)

Truck driver: Ok im going to deliver that fruit... Hey who the fuck are you??

Truck driver saw John_Street and Giuseppe Ziano and their prison clothes

They had to kill him because he would call the police

Giuseppe Ziano and John Street found some cousins in Los Santos

And made their group:

Los Santos Cholo Corporation

2 years later they stop of hiding because search for them is over.

They have recruited some members in Los Santos and they have finaly made their dream.Come in America and make
some group.

With them were rolling and Alek_Bergling, Steve_Aoki Lion_Smith,Ezio_Wizzle,Steve_Chester and Mario_Labattini.

They started to roll over Los Santos and make some people respect them. They hope they will find that rednecks.

If there was no rednecks they wouldn't start a group.


(In LS)

John Street was reading some newspapers and he was looking to buy some house at adverts

He was just looking at other adverts and he saw this: The Associates are recruiting, Giuseppe Ziano.

And he asked him self:

John: What the F***?!

(John typing SMS)

Giuseppe call me as fast as you can!

[Phone ringing]

Ziano here... Oh its you John how are you?

John: Im pretty fucked up! ''ESSE''

Giuseppe: Man what is wrong?




Giuseppe: Man... I just.... How will i say to you.... I had one call yesterday esse... (John interupting him)


(Giuseppe continued to speak)

Giuseppe: Man i had a phone call yesterday... I heard we are going to be fucked up if we keep to making LSCC(Los Santos Cholo Corporation we will be fucked up....

(John hanged up the phone. )

When he came back in town ( he was at his cousins at Las Venturas ) he heard what are his compadres talking about...

[Gang Station]: (Ezio Wizzle) Man this is fucked up i don't under why Giu left us...

[Gang Station]: (John Street) He got scare guys... (quietly) he got scared....

(John talking with him self)

Man... Fuck that asshole...

Im going to start it by my self...

(After little chat with him self John continued to resist a big fall of Giu's quit...)

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 3:59 am
by John Street

John_Street and Giuseppe_Ziano rank7 Head Cholo
Steve_Chester Rank6 Underboss
Lion_Smith and Rank5 Lietuenant
Mario_Labattini rank4 Enforcer
Ezio_Wizzle rank3 Soldier
Alek_Bergling rank2 Cholo
Steve_Aoki rank1 Associate
Rank0 recruit.

Rank7-Head Cholo

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 4:24 am
by joe1

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 4:34 am
by Ziano

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 5:03 am
by Ziano

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 9:02 am
by John Street

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 9:03 am
by Piwey
What was the point of making different posts? Why not just one? And Mario Labattini is already in another gang.

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 9:06 am
by John Street
Piwey wrote:What was the point of making different points? Why not just one? And Mario Labattini is already in another gang.
What do you mean?

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 9:50 am
by Piwey

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 2:45 pm
by John Street

I've would like to take HQ that Chain gang had at Idlewood with Lowrider Mod shop...
It has interior...

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 3:00 pm
by John Street
Gang Colour:

We would like to represent Light blue (ID-3)

And if we could get light blue color on cars at Idlewood...(Lowrider mod shop)

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 15th, 2012, 4:08 pm
by joe1
you should take a few steps back and come up with something better than multi-cultural gang called "Cholo Corporation" before demanding stuff from admins

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 18th, 2012, 9:56 am
by John Street
joe1 wrote:you should take a few steps back and come up with something better than multi-cultural gang called "Cholo Corporation" before demanding stuff from admins
Ok well may i know your opinion for name or something :)?

(So i can make a story that fits to name you know....)

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 18th, 2012, 2:56 pm
by Ron
you obviously haven't thought this through and you clearly do not know how to make a gang application, this is awful

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 21st, 2012, 9:11 am
by mkrtich
Going to assume unless corrected that this app is over and your efforts have been folded into the Associates, seeing as your name is on their app.

Re: Los Santos Cholo Corporation

Posted: January 25th, 2012, 10:50 am
by John Street
Yes im sorry for that me and Giuseppe Ziano made another choice but i din't know how to delete this LSCC subject