The Eagle Order

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super kawaii ^_^!!!!!!!!
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Game Name(s): Ryan McCarthy - Roland Norwich - Jin Meshima

The Eagle Order

Post by EnKay »

The Eagle Order

1900 - Kenway

During a civil war in London, Britain, caused by rioters against the government for high taxes, the Kenway household managed to escape to Shere Town just outside of London.
The family has established their home and bought a faily huge piece of land to fit a village inside a town. As the war has continued, many people escaped London and sought a place to live out of it which had them coming to the land of the Kenways.
As the time passed, the master of the Kenway family decided to let these people in, on some conditions, though.
Needing resources and improvements, master Kenway decided that he might use the people to establish a strong base outside of London, in his land, and let everyone work in his profession.
People started building houses, lumberjacks helped cut the trees and provide quality wood for the houses.
Blacksmithes produced weapons for protection, Tailors had the hunters hunt down animals for them to bring quality leather and so from here, the village started to grow slowly.

1938 - Birth of Charles Kenway and inheritance of the eagle crest.

The village has grown well, trade routes got finer and the Kenways were satisfied of such achievement.
The Kenways witnessed Charles' birth, their first and only son.
Master Kenway decided to host a party out in his village. Party went well.. People have grouped up and savored the achievements they have made and celebrated the birth of their leader's child as much as he deserves.
The village was dangerous, mentioning it's natural state, and as Charles' mother had him in her arms walking around the woods alone, she encountered a snake, she screamed and ran that she activated the snake's senses which led for a chase.
During the chase, the mother fell down, protecting the baby she switched her position mid-air so the baby falls on her instead of under, but she lost her strength and couldn't get ahold of the baby.
The snake was getting closer and closer, the baby crying, mother nervous.. An eagle came out of nowhere grabbing the snake and as the snake hit the eagle, a feather fell on Charles' stomach.
Charles got ahole of the feather as his mother, Christina held him and ran as fast as she could, home, telling the story to her husband..
Master Kenway then decided that the eagle was their protector and went to his finest tailor asking him to create a flag for the village, it was based on a shield, strips fill half of it, and the other half is an eagle.

1948 - Charles - 10 years old

As Charles was wandering around the house all these years, passing his father's room everyday, noticing the feather, he started wondering what is it's use, or what.. does it mean for him and why is the village's flag symbol is as it is.
Charles went on ahead and asked his father and got to know the story, he felt nice knowing that the symbol of his father's work exists because of him.
Charles did like the village but as he grows up, he got somewhat bored of the routine which led him to think it's best to visit London as he grows up.

1956 - Charles visits London

Charles finally gets to visit London after the war has calmed down and buys a little land there to establish a home.
One day as he was wandering the streets, he caught a thief stealing a bag from a woman, thinking it's a normal robbery, Charles chased him, knocked him down and started explaining how that was a wrong action.
After a little talk and them getting to know each other, the thief, deciding Charles was reliable and headstrong, he decided to show Charles what was his work about. Opening the bag, the thief showed Charles what's inside which was basically one, simple paper, an order of an assassination.
Interested in the matters at hand, Charles questioned the thief getting to know his crew and their line of work, the thief wasn't just a normal thief, he was a mercenary.

1956 - Charles induction into the mercenary guild

Charles joined the guild and started doing errands in exchange for money, meeting the guild's members, getting to know them, and the city folks better.
Charles have met Diana, a beautiful, remarkable and a woman with an attitude, which was inducted newly too, into the guild, he liked her, well.. more than liked her.
Bit by bit Charles made a name for himself using his advanced skills in his line of work, the guild with no master decided to follow his lead.
As soon as that happened, Charles started making a name for the guild and the eagle was also it's symbol.

1958-1978 - Birth of Roland Kenway and life in the guild

Charles and Diana being in love, the guild has witnessed the birth of their master's child, Roland Kenway.
Charles spent most of his time training his child since an early age of how to become a warrior, an intellegent one and in the time he found it right, he told his son about the eagle story.
One day during the 20th of Roland, a courier entered the guild passing all the guards quickly running with a bag filled with money showing it to Charles.
Hearing what the courier had to say about a group of people request for the guild to raid a bandits headquarters, Charles decided it is time to put his son's skills into a real fight.
Roland was doing very well in the fight that his father, happily, raised his weapon shouting to his son that he loves him, Charles was shot and Roland kidnapped, the guild has fallen apart.
After a month of the kidnap, one of the bandits, a woman, who was taking care of Roland, got to know him better and got sick of how bad the bandits treat her, disrespectful means, she was so afraid of them that she wouldn't leave their side.
The woman was named Bianca, and as she was taking care of Roland, she told her story, since then Roland has been planning the escape.
Roland told Bianca his plans on escaping with her and getting back to his grandfather's house in the village.
Both of them escaped, together, going to the village he heard his father talking about, he saw the same flag the guild had.
Roland in his confusion, started asking who created this flag in this village, and they have told him the story, then he mentioned who his father and grandfather was.
Village folks celebrated their dead master's descendant. Living in the house, him and Bianca fell in love and got married.

1982 - The birth of Haytham

Haytham's birth made Roland realize his fathers effort that he have put on him, feelings this wonderful feeling finally, he decided he should do the same with Haytham.
Haytham grew up on physical and mental training throughout his growing up process such as his ancestors did, he became wise, strong and was very much wanted everywhere he has went.
Haytham went to London for his studies during his 20's and graduated.. But he always fancied the life of his grandfather, he tried to start a guild in London, but as soon as he tried, he got rooted out by the locals not to create any troubles with the government.
Travelling the world, Haytham got to know about a lot of cultures by experience and not only knowledge, which is the way he prefers it.

2010 - Thomas Hickey

Haytham met Thomas during his visit to his home city London, Thomas was intellegent, sneaky and possessed skills of a master thief, which gave Haytham the hope of succeeding to build up the guild he has always dreamed about.
Though, Thomas suggested that it is best to start the guild somewhere else, where he can meet people from all around the world, different cultures, beliefs, to make a stronger guild that can deal with everything and slowly pull roots in all the world.

2012 - Haytham in Los Santos, San Andreas

Deciding it's one of the most profitable places to start a guild, Haytham starts dominating the streets of Los Santos with his intellegence waiting Thomas Hickey to arrive in town.
Recruiting members for the guild as he waits his trust worthy friend, Thomas to arrive, the guild grows stronger.

I've been around SZR for long enough, I basically started out zero and built my way up, I've had lots of downs and I profited from the experience enhancing my skills and patience to have control on players, to affect them to good way, if they wish to listen to reason.
If a gang wishes to mess around, I'll face them in a roleplay way to end the war, that does not include heavy roleplay shooting sessions, they will be mass murdered till they decide it's time to give up, yet, when they wish to talk, I'll be there to discuss it out.
I seek fun, roleplay is fun for me and few others that I'll be bringing and it will be noticeable.
I ran a family before back in SF and it was successful for a while, I've made quite few mistakes, wasn't experienced enough for it to stand up for a long period.
I do believe I am capable and ready. I've learned a quite a lot since I joined almost five years ago if I'm not mistaken.
I AM an Arab and they did destroy the server, yet I think I do deserve a chance for all the effort I've put in the server throughout my SZR gaming years and hope I proved myself different than the others.
Guild members

Rank 7: Haytham_Kenway/EnKay
Rank 6: Thomas Hickey

I'll only post these names until I make sure who will exactly join the server not to mess this up.
126 - Image
223 - Image
240 - Image
29 - Image
55 - Image
233 - Image

Skins were chosen according to various personalities that should be created around the faction.
If gang rank names are able to be changed and you are willing, I'd wish you'd have these for me if the gang will be accepted:

Rank 7 - Mentor
Rank 6 - Marquess
Rank 5 - Earl
Rank 4 - Viscount
Rank 3 - Baron
Rank 2 - Knight
Rank 1 - Briton
Rank 0 - Soldier
Little on how things will go if the gang gets official.
People will be recruited to gangchat and will be tested on several various tests that include intelligence, roleplay, creativity and game basics.
The gang will also be helpful for new comers the way I'll make it. I've done it in Mkrtich's server and won't hesitate to do it here.
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Re: The Eagle Order

Post by Bruke_Mezfin13 »

Skin (126) Is taken by Mafia.
- (Bruke_Mezfin)
- ~(Mafia) ~
super kawaii ^_^!!!!!!!!
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Re: The Eagle Order

Post by EnKay »

Mafia is a gang created without a story or any effort, and it doesn't participate in anything interesting in game so far, I'll still have that skin on my list.
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Re: The Eagle Order

Post by Katsu_Okamura »

EnKay wrote:Mafia is a gang created without a story or any effort, and it doesn't participate in anything interesting in game so far, I'll still have that skin on my list.
<&David_Webb> Rika you broke the server with your seriousness.
Patrick_Leone - LSPD applicant
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Re: The Eagle Order

Post by EnKay »

I withdraw my application as for now, decided to stick with my Yakuza mates due to low server population, for the better of the server meanwhile, I suppose.