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Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 6:59 am
by Greg_Moyer
As per the topic in the susgestions thread : ... =29&t=4782

Lets try to come up with some new STD's / Diseases. These can be added into anywere into the game mode. For example /dropcar is a "dirty" job. They could have a %10 chance of cutting them self on the bent steel.

How it effects player:
Trigger event:
Chance of catching:
If cure, from who/what?:
Cost to cure?:

Edit - To make it easier, here is a list of things we can monitor to determine our trigger events.

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:06 am
by Nurgle
Name: Stupid Scoliasis
How it effects player: The player cannot have /sex because of pressure from SO [or imaginary SO].
Trigger event: Having too much sex.
Chance of catching: Either a % chance it's caught during /sex or when a player gets above x sex level. If it's above x sex level then this will be hilariously frequent.
Cure: Go to the hospital with a long hard katana in your hand.
If cure, from who/what?: ^
Cost to cure?: $500 plus the katana?

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:09 am
by Rachael
Name: accidental discharge of firearm
How it effects player:loss of health ( depends on weapon/ number of mats used)
Trigger event:creating a weapon from materials
Chance of catching:random I guess
Cure:dont sell guns
If cure, from who/what?:n/a
Cost to cure?:n/a

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:29 am
by Rachael
I can do this all day

Name:short term memory loss
How it effects player:random loss of weapons/drugs/money
Trigger event:smoking pot
Chance of catching:10%
If cure, from who/what?:n/a
Cost to cure?:n/a

Name: schitzofrenia
How it effects player:temporary inability to /find
Trigger event:/find
Chance of catching:5%
If cure, from who/what?:lawyer (rp as psychaitrist)
Cost to cure?:$1000 per merc level

How it effects player:slow loss of health
Trigger event:eating/drinking
Chance of catching:5%
If cure, from who/what?:hospital
Cost to cure?:$500

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:33 am
by Thesoldier
Name: Jailhouse Anus Myositis
How it effects player: Unable to run/sprint
Trigger event: Getting arrested more than 3 times in one hour, or 10 times in one day
Chance of catching: 100%
Cure: Time
If cure, from who/what?: Make it effect for 1 hour
Cost to cure?: None

Name: Post-Shanking Staphylococcus
How it effects player: Random drunk effect, random loss of health
Trigger Event: Being sent to prison
Chance of Catching: 50-65%
Cure: Hospital
If cure, from who/what?: Hospital
Cost to Cure?: $10,000

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:41 am
by Adj
There are loads of funny ideas for this, the possibilities are big.

I'm worried about one thing. Newbies would not understand all this, it would be alot harder to get to know this game.

Something like the accidental discharge of firearm wouldn't cause too many questions and I think that's important to keep in mind. It shouldn't fuck up /n with desperate newbies who don't know what to do while they're sick.

Also it should not fuck up RP's. Losing health in time would probably do that.

Name: Trippin'
How it effects player: The player is in the /crack animation and is stuck longer than in usual /usepot /usecrack animations. 5 seconds for example.
Trigger event: /usepot and /usecrack commands
Chance of catching: Random. 5% chance maybe.
Cure: Just 5 seconds

edit: Just read the Jailhouse Anus Myositis which sounds great!

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:43 am
by Elroy_Jones
Name: Aids
How it effects player: Slow bleeding
Trigger event: When black people have sex with each other
Chance of catching: 10% Communicable, 100% during sex
Cure: Hospital/Death
If cure, from who/what?:
Cost to cure?: 500

I dunno how you could code in a communicable disease, but it would be fun to have it run rampant by players getting close to one another. This would need to be strictly watched, because if you logged off while having the disease and then logged back in when admins werent around and had other characters ready to log on/off. It could go on forever.

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 7:50 am
by Greg_Moyer
Adj wrote:There are loads of funny ideas for this, the possibilities are big.

I'm worried about one thing. Newbies would not understand all this, it would be alot harder to get to know this game.

Also it should not fuck up RP's. Losing health in time would probably do that.
1. We can exclude level 1 players from the "major" ones. That way they will still get a std from /sex, but not any of these new ones.

2. HP loss will be at a min, or only last for a few seconds.

Also! Feal free to use combos of the stats. For example, if player is jailed and has a sex skill over 500, then .....

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 9:31 am
by Juke
Name: Sleepwalking
How it effects player: /drunk effect, random incoherent babbling
Trigger event: Online more than five consecutive hours
Chance of catching: 50%
Cure: Hospital/Death or /lay for five minutes
Cost to cure?: $1,000

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 9:37 am
by Juke
Name: Expensive bandage
How it effects player: Cures bleeding by piling money onto the wound
Trigger event: Bleeding, over level 9 and over $25,000 on hand
Chance of catching: 10%
Cure: Money
Cost to cure?: $24,973

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 1st, 2008, 1:34 pm
by anarchcow
Name: Extreme Munchies
How it effects player: Works the same was as bleeding, although less severely. Continual pot use will amplify effect.
Trigger event: Has used pot 3 times in a row in a 5 minute timespan
Chance of catching: 75%
Cure: Food Establishments
Cost to cure?: $1 -$2

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 4th, 2008, 10:03 pm
by Matthew_White
Name: Mass Diarrhea.
How it effects player: Makes the player shout, "My Ass!!! My Ass!!!" Every 10 seconds. Loses 4% health every 10 seconds.
Trigger event: Eating fish
Chance of catching: 10%
Cure: Typing /flush at a Burger Shot Restroom, placing you (tele) in a closed stall.
Cost to cure?: Frozen for 30 seconds in the stall. Shouting "Ahhhhh Yes! Fuck Yes! 'Fart Sound' Awwww Man" Every 10 seconds until 30 seconds have ended.

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 4th, 2008, 10:15 pm
by Chris Hansen
Name: Explosive diarrhea
How it effects player: It explodes them
Trigger event: Staying in a fast food restaurant for more than 2 minutes
Chance of catching: 100%
Cure: leaving the fast food restaurant
If cure, from who/what?:
Cost to cure?: free

Name: Vomiting
How it effects player: puts them in /vomit animation, they lose however much HP a normal STD takes away
Trigger event: using /drink too much
Chance of catching: 75%
Cure: /healme
If cure, from who/what?: Hospitals
Cost to cure?: $1000

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 7th, 2008, 3:26 am
by Alex_Collins
Name: Obesity
How it effects player: Reduced sprint
Trigger event: Eating a large fish
Chance of catching: Determined by player
Cure: Sprint for exactly a minute
If cure, from who/what?: Sprinting
Cost to cure?: N/A

Name: Nalifed (No Lifed)
How it effects player: Frozen for a minute
Trigger event: Active on the server for more than 6 hours without disconnecting
Chance of catching: Determined by player
Cure: N/A
If cure, from who/what?: N/A
Cost to cure?: N/A

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 8th, 2008, 12:29 pm
by Matthew_White
Name: Hammer Time Syndrome
How it effects player: Causes the player to shout "/s NOW STOP!... HAMMER TIME!!!" Thus forcing the player to dance for 10 minutes.
Trigger event: Being active on the server for more then 6 hours..
Chance of catching: Determined by player.
Cure: Waiting 10 minutes.
If cure, from who/what?: Patience.
Cost to cure?: 10 minutes of your life.

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 16th, 2008, 11:09 pm
by Harabec Weathers
This wasn't announced earlier, but will be announced right now: anything related to 4chan, or its associates, will earn the suggestee a 24-hour ban.

Furthermore, too much of what is being suggested is too deeply related to gameplay, and will affect gameplay deeply. Let's focus on roleplay, as gameplay changes alienate everyone. Too many weird ass diseases could make the difference between an SZR regular and a 'competing community' regular.

Name: Sentimental
How it effects player: Cannot complete hitman contract.
Trigger event: pContractTime [or whatever function the hitman specific contract timer is (please tell me there is one)] (if contract time is half of what it originally was, player has a 30% chance of catching this "disease").

Chance of catching: Low. 30% or less. No less than 15%.
Cure: Canceling hitman contract.
If cure, from who/what?: Hitman faction leader.
Cost to cure?: the same amount you were to earn for completing the contract will be deducted.

You refuse to kill your mark because hours upon hours of surveillance have caused you to identify with the mark. You see too much of yourself in the mark, and refuse to complete your contract due to emotional attachment. The contract is canceled (and the disease is cured) by the hitman faction leader, or hitman himself. If the contract is not canceled, and instead the contract is carried out, the "disease" will lower your toughness by one level.

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 17th, 2008, 6:16 pm
by Chris Hansen
Harabec Weathers wrote: Furthermore, too much of what is being suggested is too deeply related to gameplay, and will affect gameplay deeply. Let's focus on roleplay, as gameplay changes alienate everyone. Too many weird ass diseases could make the difference between an SZR regular and a 'competing community' regular.

Name: Sentimental
How it effects player: Cannot complete hitman contract.
Trigger event: pContractTime [or whatever function the hitman specific contract timer is (please tell me there is one)] (if contract time is half of what it originally was, player has a 30% chance of catching this "disease").

Chance of catching: Low. 30% or less. No less than 15%.
Cure: Canceling hitman contract.
If cure, from who/what?: Hitman faction leader.
Cost to cure?: the same amount you were to earn for completing the contract will be deducted.

You refuse to kill your mark because hours upon hours of surveillance have caused you to identify with the mark. You see too much of yourself in the mark, and refuse to complete your contract due to emotional attachment. The contract is canceled (and the disease is cured) by the hitman faction leader, or hitman himself. If the contract is not canceled, and instead the contract is carried out, the "disease" will lower your toughness by one level.
The first part of your post contradicts your suggested disease. How exactly is your suggestion not related to gameplay?

It seems to me like you've had a few hits placed on you.

Also, I believe "pContractTime" refers to the one hour job contracts (as in, one has to be a wheelman for an hour before switching to an arms dealer).

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 17th, 2008, 10:11 pm
by Greg_Moyer
Also, I believe "pContractTime" refers to the one hour job contracts (as in, one has to be a wheelman for an hour before switching to an arms dealer).

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 18th, 2008, 1:38 am
by Jonathan_Ashley

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 18th, 2008, 4:02 am
by George_Lopez
Name: Asbestos Poisoning
How it effects player: Depletes HP
Trigger event: Car Mechanic Level 3 or Car Jacker Level 3 (or something like that)
Chance of catching: 95%
Cure: Iron Lungs
If cure, from who/what?: Hospital
Cost to cure?: $1000

ALSO: Maybe you could make it so that every time someone does /nos or /repair on a vehicle, say at level 1 they have a 30% chance of catching the disease, level 2 they have a 25%, and so on. That might help with the faggots that like to /nos and /repair all day.

Note: Asbestos was used on vehicles until they realized that it causes great damage to your lungs. The car mechanic and car jacker jobs both deal with vehicles, so I think it'd be a nice touch.

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 18th, 2008, 6:07 pm
by Gook_Johnson
Jonathan_Ashley wrote:rho
you yell things likle

"get in fckung car bellnd"
"fuck off"
"shut up"

until killed by rho

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 18th, 2008, 7:46 pm
by Boogs
i liek this thread :3

make boogie fever, I have no creativity right now :arghy:

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 20th, 2008, 10:21 am
by Gook_Johnson
Boogs wrote:i liek this thread :3

make boogie fever, I have no creativity right now :arghy:
it makes you do the boogs until paycheck or death

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 22nd, 2008, 2:15 am
by Hot Rod III
Name: Hemophobia - fear of blood
How it affects player: Causes player to enter /drunk animation sporadically.
Trigger event: Player bleeding (pBleeding).
Chance of catching: 10% x weapon carried, excluding police.
Cure: Restore health past bleeding, death.
If cure, from who/what?: Food, death.
Cost to cure?: n/a

Re: Give san andreas the deep love!

Posted: September 22nd, 2008, 2:24 am
by Hot Rod III
Name: Cocaine addiction
How it affects player: If player does not use cocaine before a timer expires, player loses 10 health and must enter /crack animation for 30 seconds.
Trigger event: Player using crack (pCrack).
Chance of catching: 5% per use over a 24 real-time hour period + 3% per use each in-game hour.
Cure: No use of crack for 24 real-time hours.
If cure, from who/what?: Time expiration, withdrawl.
Cost to cure?: n/a