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The Pirates

Posted: December 16th, 2008, 6:01 pm
by The Captain
Name of the gang..(We are not a gang we are sailors only ;)The Pirates
Our story:

Aye, many years ago we sailed the open seas threw the vast fog and gigantic waves. We come from the island Tortuga, only he with strong faith and heart can see it. We have gone unseen from San Andreas for all these long years, But that will soon change. We have sneaked by at night prowling threw the streets of Los Santos and San fierro stealing all the valuables we could find. And on Tortuga we have fought many battles with other pirates, One pirate was known as Sparrow. We fought him threw treacherous battles and his crew until finally we over took his ship and made them all Walk De' Plank. We finally won our island that we love. We lost lots of laddys and lassys in that fight over the great Tortuga, It seemed like the end, but we are replenishing our old beloved fallen pirates, That's right lad, Here on San Andreas! We keep watch over Tortuga from the Light House. Think you have the faith? step up scallywags!

Why:Because i can role play very good..Aslo i will hire only level 1 or 2 level memebrs so i will be able to teach them and make them to love that gang..My plans are not the points and the wars until we will all able to work like a group...We have others goals for the start..We need the slot because it is more easy to recruit a member in a faction than in a gang and members don't do both shits in the factions because the leaders or the lts will probably kick them out of the family...I don't want to say more...If any of you want to test us just call me and we will set a great role scenario..

Ranks and members:(Girls will begin with 3 rank but as you know girls are the bosses in real,that's why i will make rank name Girls.)
Pirate:The great captain Black_Bart
Captain:Steve_Ferro (also he will change it soon to a pirate name)
Ship Leader:Queen Artemisia
Mechanic:Clob_Face(He just join us)
Girls:Anne_Bonny(She is a girl but believe our girls are dangerous)
Girl's skins:
(We are rich that's why we have sweet girls)

The secret and Magic island.."Tortuga" and also we live in the "Pearl" the most times.

1)All the server rules
2)Don't ask for ranks
3)Always role play i mean that..
4)Soon we will have our own forum unless thatyou can join our comminity on msn..We will also make a chanell on ventrilo if we will be Faction.
5)Try always to stay with your team..Don't go with other gangs or shits..If you have a friend who is interest to join us tell that to me..
6)Be friendly with the cops..
7)Try to not spent your money in shits like guns and drugs..Pirates are use only weed and we have a lot of that in the "Pearl".
8)If anyone ask you about our island never give him our locations..We need to keep it hidden and safe..

..For more info call 1919 in game and ask for the Captain..

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 16th, 2008, 6:07 pm
by Stevie_Mon
Ahoy, Lads pirates life for me!

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 16th, 2008, 8:06 pm
by Longbaugh01
Shiver me timbers!

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 16th, 2008, 9:51 pm
by Ari_Papadopoulos
This guy is great, and we could even give them a pirate ship object to hang out on.

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 16th, 2008, 11:46 pm
by BlackCop
Youtube Video: show

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 3:38 am
by Mrado
These guys seems like fun, i support them.

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 5:09 am
by The Captain
Ari_Papadopoulos wrote:This guy is great, and we could even give them a pirate ship object to hang out on.
What the Captain can say now...Special thanks to senioro Ari and yahe if ya coul' giv' us a ship i will be th' most crazt player in da cit'....

/Me Farts
Oh excuse moua senioro..

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 5:19 am
by The Captain
Some o' our photoro senioros and senioras.

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 5:20 am
by The Captain
Also i know that many o' ya searching fo' Tortuga..Her' is Tortuga be a Pirate and com' ther'...

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 6:00 am
by smoker
Aye take what you can and give nothing back!
Pirates ar' ment to be a' sea thats where we belon'!
Whe' im not a' sea i feel cage'!

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 6:55 am
by mattyy
The Captain wrote:Aslo i will hire only level 1 or 2 level memebrs so i will be able to teach them
One small question over here, so what exactly are you concentrating on for the gang and since you are teaching are you opting to be a public gang?

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 7:15 am
by The Captain
mattyy wrote:
The Captain wrote:Aslo i will hire only level 1 or 2 level memebrs so i will be able to teach them
One small question over here, so what exactly are you concentrating on for the gang and since you are teaching are you opting to be a public gang?
No..I don't do mass recruits even now i am not a family..I use to set up a big interview if i want to recruit someone with /ooc and ic questions..But higher lvl players all the time asks for ranks and shits...So i need a gang with 1-2 lvl players to grow up with them all..I believe that a gang can do great with at least 30 members on the list if they work together and love the thing that they doing..

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 8:08 am
by mattyy
The Captain wrote:
mattyy wrote:
The Captain wrote:Aslo i will hire only level 1 or 2 level memebrs so i will be able to teach them
One small question over here, so what exactly are you concentrating on for the gang and since you are teaching are you opting to be a public gang?
No..I don't do mass recruits even now i am not a family..I use to set up a big interview if i want to recruit someone with /ooc and ic questions..But higher lvl players all the time asks for ranks and shits...So i need a gang with 1-2 lvl players to grow up with them all..I believe that a gang can do great with at least 30 members on the list if they work together and love the thing that they doing..
Then this i will need to question your ingame experience, how long have you been playing on SZR

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 10:11 am
by The Captain
mattyy wrote:Then this i will need to question your ingame experience, how long have you been playing on SZR
That is secret....But all i can say you is that i can role play very good....Very very good...

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 4:29 pm
by Johnny_Forelli
This looks very promising! I loved reading the story and I think this is going to be great. I was the limo driver and marriage witness when Black_Bart was married today and I loved the RP. Its great to see that RP at SZR, good luck guys I hope for the best!


Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 5:18 pm
by mattyy
The Captain wrote:
mattyy wrote:Then this i will need to question your ingame experience, how long have you been playing on SZR
That is secret....But all i can say you is that i can role play very good....Very very good...
sounds secretive! haha, im all for this gang! Get a ship for your house car :D

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 5:31 pm
by The Captain
mattyy wrote:
The Captain wrote:
mattyy wrote:Then this i will need to question your ingame experience, how long have you been playing on SZR
That is secret....But all i can say you is that i can role play very good....Very very good...
sounds secretive! haha, im all for this gang! Get a ship for your house car :D
O' cours' da Cap'n will'wn a Ship senioro,o' cours'"Pearl"...

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 6:52 pm
by Elroy_Jones
Black Bart does a good job he farts and fucks his way through wenches quicker then Smokey goes through green

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 7:36 pm
by The Captain
Elroy_Jones wrote:Black Bart does a good job he farts and fucks his way through wenches quicker then Smokey goes through green
Senioro Elroy 'hanks so muc' and yar i kno'bout my fart'..Believ'me my fart's'mell' lik' Roses senioro..Als' nic'caras senior.Si nice caras../me Nods to his self...
/b((AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA the Farts are my way to be famous i role play them very good..Also thanks for all you have done for me and my Pirates...))
/me Farts
Oh excuse moua..

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 17th, 2008, 7:38 pm
by The Captain
Also here is a joke we use to say in Tortuga when our heads are full with Rum..
There was once a pirate who wanted to be a Private Eye. Unfortunately, he was blind. So what did he become?

Answer: A privateer!

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 18th, 2008, 3:08 am
by Mick_Jones

I was structuring this gang in my head for months. Now this guy comes along...

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 18th, 2008, 5:30 am
by Yzanami_yoko
I saw this guys couple times on server and i think he should have a chance.His RolePlay skill are realy cool. :bunchies:

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 19th, 2008, 12:06 am
by halorser
You should update it Steve and Bert =P
Forgot me
Bobby_Lee :ashobon:

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 19th, 2008, 12:21 am
by David_Lewis
This sounds like an excellent idea.

It's like were going from Rawr to Argh.

Re: The Pirates

Posted: December 19th, 2008, 11:49 am
by The Captain
David_Lewis wrote:This sounds like an excellent idea.

It's like were going from Rawr to Argh.
Si,senioro,si...B't senioro it's Arrrrrrrrrrrrrhrrrrrrrrrrrrrr senioro,arrrrrrrrrhrrrrrrrrrr!!