Bank Bug : Lost 20k

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Bank Bug : Lost 20k

Post by Shubham_Kini »

Date : 11th Feb 2008
Time : 10 am. Server Time.

BUG : I lost 15-20k...
I deposited the 10k i had with my in bank, and i ran in -10k debt.
After that i withdrew 10k from bank.. but my debt was not cancled.
The again i withdrew 10k, and i was out of debt.. But still i was sent to jail..
But i lost 20k in that...

Please look into this...
Screensots below
I have cut it because the file size was above 1mb and compressing it wasnt reducind its size.
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Re: Bank Bug : Lost 20k

Post by Sam_Green »

[quote="Shubham_Kini"]BUG : I lost 15-20k...
I deposited the 10k i had with my in bank, and i ran in -10k debt.
After that i withdrew 10k from bank.. but my debt was not cancled.
The again i withdrew 10k, and i was out of debt.. But still i was sent to jail..
But i lost 20k in that...[quote]

I'm going to need this written more clearly so we can try and figure out what's going on. Here's a template!

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Joined: February 7th, 2008, 12:21 am

Re: Bank Bug : Lost 20k

Post by Shubham_Kini »

ST=Server Time

1) It was 9:55 ST. I had 10k in my hand. I went to deposit t do bank so i could get interest on that.
2) I typed /bank 10000, But as i did that i went in -10k DEBT.
3) As it was pay check time soon. I did /withdraw 10000 to come out from my debt to avoid going to jail. The cash was taken out from my bank but it wasnt added to my cash.
4) After that i withdrew another 10k and it worked fine... But i was still sent to jail at pay check time.
5) Lost 20k
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Joined: February 7th, 2008, 12:21 am

Re: Bank Bug : Lost 20k

Post by Shubham_Kini »

Here are the images including the cash i had with me.
I dont have the screen shot where my cash had gone negative. I was too freaked out to think rationally that time.
You can see the first two withdraws [10k and $100] i made in 2.jpg were not added to my cash.

I think i had lost 10k... not 20k.
Ummm i know 10k isnt much but look into it.
I read joe's topic... i guess he lost his cash the same way i did.
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Joined: February 7th, 2008, 12:21 am

Re: Bank Bug : Lost 20k

Post by Shubham_Kini »

Sorry for double posting...
And i didnt want to use the edit... as this needed immediate attention.

Today again i lost 25k.... same bug...
But this time i think i have figured out the reason of the bug.

This happens when you do bank function one after another in less time..
1)Server side... my account has 100k...
2)I withdraw 10k... the server dosnt save the cash value...
3)I withdraw more 20k... the server adds this 20k to my old cash value.
4)So i loose my 10k.

I guess thats it.
If possible... can some admin try to /withdraw (some amount) two or three times in a row, very fast, and verify this.

SO i guess i lost 35k in total..

Look in the screen shot...
Before i withdrew anything, i had 18k as cash...
Then i withdrew 25k and just after that i withdrew another 25k by mistake...
But to my surprise.... i had only 43k as my cash.
So i guess the bug is in the function which saves my bank stats. I guess there is a delay in saving my cash/bank values.
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