Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

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Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

Post by Shen_Long »

Gang Name:
Wah Ching Triads

Gang Description:
10:30PM, lays a peaceful community, homes of many Chinese Immigrants from Hong Kong, and China.Business was sharp in Chinatown, as many customers came and went from different races, but still there was racism towards the Chinese community, no-one bothered to stop this non-sense. Crime around the neighborhood was rarely seen, as the most rare case of criminal offence was Theft. I bring to you Chinatown, of Los Santos.
Shen Long and Jose Mata, two good friends born and raised together, not blood related but lived closely together in Chinatown. They stand outside a 24/7 store, where it is a common hangout for them. They were frowned upon in school, based on their race, and was always bullied. Racism lives throughout there lives.
Jose Mata, was walking home from the 24/7, after picking up Food Items. There he met a man, soon to be known as a Enemy Rival. This "man" began talking trash towards Jose, and Jose did not like it. Racism came from the man's mouth as Jose was flushed with Heku. Jose could do nothing, as the man robbed Jose and jumped him. Jose was angry, with tears coming down his cheeks.
Shen Long soon found out this incident, seeing how Jose was reacting and the injuries he had. Jose told him what happened, as Shen Long raged with Heku. A few days later, Jose saw the man again, as he pointed him out to Shen Long. He was quick to react, as he beat the man until he apologized to Jose. The man was beaten up badly, but mumbled " I'll get you chinks back ".
Racism continued to spread, and the Chinese were looked down upon. Jose and Shen Long wanted people to fear them, so they would stop getting targeted. After a long discussion, they decided to start up something, similar to a Club, trying to gather every Chinese together to protect each other. This club was for protection, to fight off the racism around Chinatown. Many stores were robbed and broken down, some were extorted and many tried to take over Chinatown. Jose and Shen Long looked Chinatown, thinking what happened. As they looked and saw terror, they did not hestitate to make this "club". They named it "Wah Ching Triads".
Two weeks later, everything seemed fine. A school boy, immigrant of China who wasn't familiar with English got jumped by a black man, who goes by the name of "Ryder". Jose saw Ryder and was familiar that he had affiliations to a gang, and was rumored that his gang was the cause of the chaos on Chinatown. Jose watched as the boy continued to get kicked and punched in the face. Jose stopped watch, but took action. He pushed Ryder off as a fight broke out. Jose got a swing at Ryder's face, as Ryder just said " Watch your back nigga, You donno who you messin' wid' chink ass nigga". Jose sighed, as he helped the young boy up. Two days later,
Shen Long was walking down the street, as Ryder was following him from behind. Shen Long noticed this as he turned around and said : " Yo, the fuck you want ". Ryder ran up to him as he tackled Shen Long down. He reached to his duffel bag, grabbing out a AK47. Shen Long quickly put his hands up. " Give me your fuckin' money ! " Ryder shouted. Shen Long quickly reached into his pockets taking all his money throwing it at the ground. He was scared, his legs and hands were shaking. "Yo! And tell this shitty community we out to get y'all, each and every store better have Five G's ready for me, else Ima blow this fuckin' community up. Feel me nigga!?" Those were Ryder's last words as he quickly ran off.
Shen Long ran to Jose, as he had slight tears in his eyes. " Fuck! Jose! Some black fuck just came up to rob me with an AK47, he was packing big dawg! He sayin everystore 'ere to get Five G's ready, or he gonna fuck this community up dawg! The fuck we gonna do. He got straps we got our fists. Man fuck ! " Shen Long explained. " Yo... shit.. It's okay bro.. I bet I know who did this. Fuck, we're gonna go do some business Shen Long. This is my neighbourhood and my community, no way im letting it down! " Both of them went to a Gunstore late at night, around 3:00AM as they broke the glass windows, while carrying duffel bags, quickly shoved as many guns as they could. With Ski Mask's on, noone know who did it. They had ammunation now. " Fuck this shit yeah? If a Gang want's to fuck with us with straps. We'll give it to them. Y'feel me !? " Jose said.
AK's, Deagle's, MP5's, Combat Shotgun's you name it. They had ammunation, all the ammunation they needed. Their anger was on the rise, but they were determined to wipe out there enemies.
However, their neighbourhood began to lose respect for Jose and Shen Long. And fear began within the community. Jose and Shen Long ignored it, and did their thing. Pack up on Ammunation and got ready to roll.
They got into the Red Tahoma, leaving Chinatown at 11:00PM. They drove around Los Santos as they finally spotted there enemy territory, and they saw him, Ryder. Jose quietly said " Im loadin up on my MP5, when I say go.. You drive back and im drive byin' em ". The car drove back to their hood slowly as Jose rose up hanging from the rooftop and yelled : " FUCK MA COMMUNITY WITH THIS BITCHES! ". Gunshots rose as Ryder was brought down and he ran to a wall leaning on it. His men got shot down with him.
The Red Tahoma parks beside Ryder as Jose gets out. He takes out his Deagle's and cocks it. "Partna, it's ova ! ". Jose looked down to Ryder as he aimed the gun towards his dome. *CLACK*. Ryder died as they drove back to Chinatown.
Finally, Chinatown was calm again. As the Wah Ching Triads began to grow. Cops didn't classify them as a Club or a group of friends. They were known as a Gang. Due to all their violence and illegal activities. Starting from Arms to Drugs Trafficking. Jose and Shen Long were old now, but had a bad Criminal Record after the "Ryder incident". They couldn't get jobs, unless they were on the streets selling drugs. They had to get paid, and that's what they did. And that's what many Wah Chings Triads did too. The rise of Wah Ching Triads began.


(( We really want to bring new RP, and since we're RPing in LS. Wah Ching Triads was a great idea I believe, because their is a Chinatown and im certain IRL Wah Ching Triads originates there. We hope to bring you great RP, a new type as I've hardly see anyone really RP a focus of a Chinese Gang. Throughout my RP days, I've only seen members RP a Viet Gangster Faction, or a Mixed with no Chinese ethncity in it. ))

Shen_Long / Shen_Long Rank 7
Jose_Mata / jxsx Rank 6
Hekutoru_Kahaya / Hector_Mata Rank 6
Tito_Mcfly / Unknwon Rank 5
Aaron_Triggs / Aaron_Triggs Rank 3
Guiseppi_Rossi / Taiki_Hatsuharu Rank 2
Tye_Triggs / Tyloriggs Rank 2
Wo_Shing / Unknown Rank 1
Zao_Yhang / Unknown Rank 1

Desired Skins

Leader Skin:
Male Skins:
Female Skins:

Head Quarters:


Gang Color:

Thanks for your attention.
°Shen Long°
Last edited by Shen_Long on July 26th, 2011, 12:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
super kawaii ^_^!!!!!!!!
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Re: Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

Post by Kagawa_Takahashi »

The Leaderskin is currently Yakuza's Leaderskin.

You may have to find an alternative.
Ryo *Crybaby* Hiroki
havent seen a great gang, yakuza is pretty shit too. everyone is pretty shit thats why they are playing games, thats what you do.
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Re: Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

Post by Juke »

Have you had any experience running a faction? (this server or any other)
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Re: Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

Post by Shen_Long »

Juke wrote:Have you had any experience running a faction? (this server or any other)
Of course I had been leader of some in this and others servers
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Re: Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

Post by Juke »

could you pm me the other servers you've been a leader on if you don't want to post here
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Joined: August 27th, 2010, 8:51 am

Re: Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

Post by Shen_Long »

Juke wrote:could you pm me the other servers you've been a leader on if you don't want to post here
Posts: 1515.0
Joined: December 31st, 2007, 7:17 am

Re: Wah Ching Triads ( 華青 ) [After the wipe]

Post by Juke »

Denied forever: plagiarized app